Freshman Seminar Fall 17 DWB

Lauren Nabavian’s Blog Post #3 Career

For my third blog post, I decided to go to the Starr Career Development Center to have a counselor look over my resume. Before entering  the Starr Career Development Center, I took a look at the endless job opportunities displayed on the bulletin boards for students to look at which pushed me to find an internship. I then entered the center and signed in with the front desk. I sat for a few minutes until I was called in. First I was called in, and then I was seated with the counselor. She handed me a booklet which consisted of useful information on how to write resumes and cover letters which I was able to keep. Then, she looked over my resume that I printed out in advance and handed to her. The counselor wrote on my resume as she kindly gave me some feedback and suggestions on how to improve my resume and what revisions need to be made. She also provided some examples on how to reword sentences on my resume to make it sound more professional which was helpful. The counselor was also very patient and allowed me to ask questions about my resume. After my appointment was over, I felt more confident about my career in the future because not only do I have the Starr Career Development Center to support and help me find internships, but I now know what needs to be revised in my resume and how to write a cover letter as well.   

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