The AIEA reading for this week clearly explains the importance of strategic planning in higher education. In the course of this program, we learn that many families are interested in knowing and understanding the strategic plan of a college and/or university. For the most part they [the family] wish to understand the course of direction the institution is going, but my question is how will a college and/ or university know when international involvement in the university matters?

The AIEA reading presented 12 principles of internationalization. There is really nothing (in my opinion) that seems out of the ordinary when it comes to planning and IHE vs. higher education in general. Some principles that were said to be important are obtaining knowledge on internationalization, campus input, the time-line of success, transparency, and quality of the curriculum. This very much adds importance to the readings we have had thus far in where we have discussed the importance of campus wide initiatives that includes the faculty. In my opinion, faculty input, knowledge, and support can result in great outcomes in the quality of IHE in the nation or at that institution. Also, input of the local community can be great to include in planning initiatives because it can aide to understand what international involvement local families wish to see in the educational system. Overall, I think opportunity mapping in the U.S. explains why IHE has not prevailed like in many other countries. The AIEA reading states that priorities in the region are also important and having the data to support what priorities align with potential sources of external support is vital for IEH success.

To conclude, cooperation and coordination in strategic planning provides cohesion within an organization as explained in the AIEA reading. Like in Baruch understanding how the college fits within global cities in the world is important, which allows the college to consider a global strategic plan for the future. I really liked how the Baruch global strategic plan emphasis the needed of more faculty involvement, which should aide IHE in the college and hopefully impact other CUNY schools, the State of NY, and the nation.

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