We are people – see me, not the illness

“1 in 5 Americans live with a mental health condition” (National Alliance on Mental Illness) but according to BJPsych Advances “over 60% don’t seek help”. Why do so many people avoid seeking help?  What are the ways that combat the discrimination that creates this problem?
People with mental health issues face different types of discrimination.These include labeling them and avoiding recognizing their individuality, inaccurate media stereotypes that portray them as dangerous or humorous, general disrespect, and the expectation that they are to blame for their illnesses. All these together together create a social environment that makes people avoid seeking help. They’re afraid that they’ll be judged and misunderstood.
In order to reassure people that seeking help for mental illness is acceptable and healthy, we need to reduce all of these types of discrimination. Also, it is important to make it more socially acceptable to be honest about mental health issues.

Discrimination against people with mental illness: what can psychiatrists do?

David Susman, a psychologist and advocate for mental health issues, suggests five steps to take in your own life to combat the stigma that society puts on people suffering from mental illnesses.
1) Don’t label people who have a mental illness. Use ‘person-first’ language. For example, say “she has schizophrenia” instead of “she’s a schizophrenic.”

2) Don’t be afraid of people with mental illness. Despite inaccurate media stereotypes, people with mental illness aren’t scary or prone to violence.

3) Don’t use disrespectful terms for people with mental illness. There are an abundance of terms related to mental illness that are offensive and inappropriate.

4) Don’t be insensitive or blame people with mental illness. People can’t just “get over” their mental illness, and they need our support and reassurance.

5) Be a role model. Model appropriate behavior and teach others how to treat people with mental illness with respect.


Image result for nami nyc metro
Another way to help is to donate money or volunteer in organizations that work on behalf of people with mental illnesses. There are several organizations that  fight for the end of discrimination against people with mental health issues and their recognition as people with equal rights who should be respected. One of them that I found is a national organization called NAMI ( The National Alliance on Mental Illness). It’s New York City chapter (NAMI-NYC Metro) describes itself as “grassroots organization that provides support, education, and advocacy for families and individuals of all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds who live with mental illness.” NAMI-NYC Metro “works collaboratively with our state and national affiliates, and with other stakeholders in the community, to educate the public, advocate for legislation, improve the mental health system, and end discrimination.”

There are many ways to get involved with NAMI. You can take part in their events to educate public about ,mental illness , donate, contact your senators or representatives to encourage them vote for laws that will end discrimination and guarantee insurance coverage  for mental illness.
You can participate in marches (and events such as bowling) that raises awareness as well as money. They also have a hot line, giving support to people seeking help and advice on how to navigate their insurance systems. NAMI functions as a link between people who need help and people who wants to help and.

Here is the website for NAMI-NYC Metro https://www.naminycmetro.org/

For our in-class activity, I’m going to hand out a flyer giving David Susman’s five steps to take in our lives to combat the stigma against people with mental illnesses. This is a great way to start increasing awareness among people and lessening the factors that keep people with mental illness issues from seeking help. I will also introduce the organization that helps them. This flyer can also be put around the school and in other places to encourage people to start thinking about the topic, because some of us don’t find this in our lives or realize that it is a problem.