Blog Assignments Instructions

Blog entries are due before class on the dates noted on the syllabus. The responses are due the following day.

For your blog assignment you will choose a sentence that you find significant in the text. You will quote the sentence at the top of your entry, and you will then discuss why you think the sentence is important in its immediate context (i.e. where it appears in the passage). Once you’ve done this, you will then discuss the sentence in relation to the whole text, that is, how the sentence speaks to the reading’s main idea. Your entry should be between 200 to 250 words in length, not including the quote. Be sure to identify the author and title early in your entry. Make sure that your titles give the reader a sense of what the entries are about.

Your response should focus on some aspect of your peer’s entry that you find compelling or puzzling. The point of your response is to enrich the insights of the original entry by questioning the writer’s reasoning and/or expanding on his or her claims.