
Gulick Meets the Muckrakers

We don’t usually publish guest posts on this blog but we’ll make an exception here, not just because the contributor is family — the Baruch College archivist Sandra Roff — but because the subject is literally close to our hearts and does connect to the progressivism of Luther Gulick and the Bureau of Municipal Research. […]


Joisey City

It will come as little surprise to students of municipal corruption and Jersey City, New Jersey — but I repeat myself… Which is to say that for well over a century, the two have been entwined in infamy. Jerramiah T. Healy, the last mayor of Jersey City, the Hudson County seat and New Jersey’s second-largest […]


It’s Official! The IPA/Gulick Collection Is Up and Open!

We’re on the boards! Yes, highlights of the IPA Collection and Luther Gulick Papers now decorate a wall on the fifth floor of Baruch”s Newman Library at 151 East 25th St., (the same historic building, as we have written, that once housed Sam McClure’s irreverent upstart magazine and its staff of journalistic muckrakers back in […]