Be careful what you say, post or text.

In a case which clearly demonstrates the need to “watch what you say, post or text” online and elsewhere; a man was forced to let his former fiancée keep a $53,000 ring although he had broken off his engagement and asked for the ring back.

An article posted on the Buffalo News website reports that Louis Billittier Jr. broke off his engagement to Christa Clarke his betrothed of 14 months by a text message in 2012. In an attempt to soften the blow Billittier Jr. wrote another text which he would later come to regret. The relevant section of the text read as follows, “Plus you get a $50,000 parting ring. Enough for a down payment on a house.” That text and those words were used as Clark’s defense for keeping the ring which Billittier requested returned after he broke off their engagement. What made this case so interesting is that New York law usually sides with the would-be bridegroom who have the legal right to ask for a ring’s return even if they were responsible for breaking the engagement.

However in the case of Billittier and Clark, Billittier forfeited that right by sending that text which clearly stated that his former fiancée could keep the ring. Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia ruled that Clark had the right to keep the ring even though Billittier said that his text was meant to be sarcastic and not a true intent for his jilted ex to keep the ring….the judge however did not buy his story.

3 thoughts on “Be careful what you say, post or text.

  1. jliu2

    Haha! That is too unfortunate. I’m sure he never thought that text would be used against him in court. Especially these days, where we exaggerate so much: “I’m literally starving” is not an uncommon statement…it is hard to constantly monitor everything you say, and to make sure that what you intend to say is not misrepresented.

  2. Heidi Tam

    It’s crazy how much impact technology has on our lives nowadays. It’s even crazier how seriously the court can be about these cases. Even with cases like these though, I don’t think many people will really take into consideration how they should communicate through text messages or other mediums. 9


    When smartphones were invented I guess these possibilities start come to reality. Now we have people breaking up over facebook, relationship status etc. Even though this is an unfortunate event, but its just shows how it is with technology to misstep.

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