Monthly Archives: January 2014

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Library = free books

When I think of the library I think of eBooks (overdrive, Kindle). Since the public libraries introduced eBooks it has saved me trips to the library and money because I don’t incur late fees and I buy a lot less books. It also helps me to find new authors because I can read/sample an entire book instead of only a chapter or two.

But I can’t study in libraries.

When I think about the library, I think of Baruch’s library since it’s the only library I usually go to. Ironically I don’t get much studying done in the library even though it’s a sanctuary for studying and concentration. Instead of studying like other students, I wander aimlessly on the web looking for things to amuse me. I especially like going on Tumblr to find amusing things  because there’s always something new and funny I’m bound to come across.


When I think about the library, I think of… BOOKS (what else would it be?)

I used to think that only nerds go to library but after my school trip to one of New York libraries, I fell in love with them. I love to read and I wish I have more time to go to libraries but with my schedule, I only read books on my iPad now.


When I think about the library, I think of studying and books. As a full time student at Baruch College, library has always been the place I spend my time studying at. Studying at library can always help me to be focused and get lots of work done.

The New Perception of Libraries

When I think of the library, I think of a place of self-teaching. If I was asked this question a few years back, I would think of it just as a place of books. However, through my college years, my view of it has changed. In my opinion, the association of books with library has been less common due to the advancement of technology. For example, the first book-less library opened up in Texas. Visitors of the library may only access ebooks only through any wifi-enabled devices.

My Library

When I think about the library, I think of putting my drink in my bag so I can get by security to sip it inside.  I think of students pacing throughout the main floor, to and fro; some printing, some borrowing (books, laptops, etc.), and some just in a rush to meet friends.  I think of the study areas upstairs, rows and rows of students trying to get ready for some sort of class, test, or presentation.  I think of the presentation rooms, and how many times I’ve practiced in them for speeches at the end of semesters.  I think about borrowing a clicker.  And last but not least, I think of the students sprawled across multiple chairs, couches, and even tables, in positions that may make a contortionist jealous, as a result of their tireless efforts and sleepless nights to achieve knowledge in an area that they hope to excel in.

The library.

When I think about the library, I think of productivity. I get most, if not all, of my work done successfully when I’m in such a quiet environment in which I can concentrate and focus on finishing my end product. I also think of the library as a quiet and zen place where I can relax and read peacefully.

Library Post

When I think about the library, I think of a massive amount of books and computer stations. The whole place is quiet and full of people who are studying and searching for the readings, articles, and books that they need.

the library!

When I think about the library, I think of…the Midwood branch of the Brooklyn Public Library system.

I grew up in that library, I have over 300 community service hours clocked in at that library. And as of last fall, I am part-time employee of that library. It’s all kind of come full circle for me.

seats, scanners and bedbugs

When I think about the library, I think of all the computers that are on the second floor and how it is nearly impossible to get a seat. I think about how nice it is that the school finally got scanners, hooray! I think about those chairs on the fifth and fourth floor that everyone keeps sleeping on. Didn’t they hear the rumor about bedbugs?!