We are committed to providing our students and faculty with the resources and services that support their educational goals. We hope you’ll explore the library, its space and collections.
Here are some of the ways we can help in your academic career:
- Long hours: we are open 7am-11pm most days of the semester;
- 24/7 service: our chat service is available 24/7; you can also reach us by email, phone or by appointment;
- Technology items: we loan out many technology items, some for a whole semester;
- Study rooms: we have study rooms you can reserve up to seven days in advance;
- Course reserves: we may have material for your classes;
- Scanning and printing: we offer scanning and printing, in black and white and color;
- Find articles, books and videos for your classes!
- Check out our databases and research guides to help with your assignments!
See you in the Library!