Library Hours: Dec. 23-Jan. 2

Graphic icon of a clock face with a yellow alert icon

After the last day of the fall semester, the library hours and services will significantly change for the brief period before the January session begins. We will mostly be closed, and when we are open, will offer very limited services. We will only be open on the following days from 9 AM to 5 PM.

December 23 (Monday)
December 26-27 (Thursday-Friday)
December 30 (Monday)

On those days, services to students will be limited to dropping off items that have been borrowed and to clearing accounts (blocks, fines, etc.) No other on-site library services will be available to students (printing, borrowing, studying, using computers). The online Ask a Librarian service, though, where you can chat live with a librarian 24 hours a day, will continue to be available.

Baruch College faculty may borrow materials and use the library as needed during the selected hours detailed above.

On January 2, the library will reopen for the January intersession period. We’ll be open to all from 9 AM to 10 PM from Monday to Friday and from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays and Sundays. Up-to-date and detailed library hours can always be found on the library home page and the Hours page of the library website.

Network Outage & Library Resources

Illustration of a computer screen with x's for eyes and a frown

Dec. 21 UPDATE: Remote access to library resources is now working again! Please ignore the workarounds detailed below from when this post was first published to the Library News blog.

Due to the network outage that began on Monday, December 16, library resources (such as ebooks, articles, videos) are not available through the usual routes and links (which includes the search boxes on the library home page and our e-reserves system). Please use the Backup Library Links page to connect to selected library databases and to use a CUNY-wide version of OneSearch.

If you are trying to access items in e-reserves and having trouble, send an email to or call the circulation desk at 646-312-1660 during the hours that it is open.

Finals Time Means Extra Quiet Time

Icon representing the concept of no noise that shows a speaker with an X in front of it.

As the semester ends and everyone is studying for finals and completing major research projects, we need everyone to respect the need for quiet on all floors of the library.

A simple conversation between friends at one table could be utterly distracting to someone nearby trying to manage their stress while they review for an exam. For many of our students, this is the only place that they can count on as quiet refuge for study in a noisy city. The more that students use the library as a hangout and socializing space, the more they diminish it as a space for study and research.

Public Safety will be assisting us as we try to ensure that the library remains a studious space on every floor. If you find others are distracting you, please call Public Safety at (646) 660-6000. Make sure you give them the correct floor number (remember, the main floor of the library where you entered and passed through the turnstiles is actually the 2nd floor and the top floor of the library is the 5th).

Cite Sources Like a Pro

Zotero logo showing a red letter Z in the middle of a gray shield

Prof. Joseph Hartnett will lead an online workshop on December 12 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm that will introduce attendees to the Zotero software, a free open-source, bibliographic citation management tool that allows you to collect, store, and organize information as you research, and to rapidly generate citations and bibliographies with your word processor in a variety of styles as you write.

You will learn to install Zotero, capture items into your personal library, generate in-text citations and bibliographies, sync to the cloud, and utilize many of the software’s functions.

This workshop is open to all students and faculty at Baruch and at the CUNY School of Professional Studies.

Register here.