Archive for October, 2014

They Say/I Say Intro & Chapter 1


In the Introduction to “They Say / I Say” : The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein provide templates designed to guide a writer in conveying his/her argument. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer are the underlying structure for academic writing. As the author’s themselves put it, “The mere act of crafting a sentence that begins “Of course, someone might object that _____” may not seem like a way to change the world; but it does have the potential to jog us out of our comfort zones, to get us thinking critically about our own beliefs, and perhaps even to change our minds” Although some people believe using the templates are plagiarism, Graff and Birkenstein insist that it is not plagiarism to recycle conventionally used ideas. In sum, then, their view is that the templates are a useful way to encourage a writer and get them started.

I agree with Graff and Birkenstein. I my view, the types of templates the authors recommend are a convenient way to structure and strengthen and piece of work. Some might object of course, on the grounds that they fracture any use of creativity, but nonetheless they get the point across.

Chapter 1:

The main claim in Chapter 1 is to focus on the “They Say” or the thesis, order, and overall argument, when responding to other’s views. It is necessary to include any important information to convey to the reader, without leaving them guessing. They provide several templates for properly introducing a subject and its relevance.

“That to give the writing the most important thing of all, namely, a point, a writer needs to indicate clearly not only what his or her thesis is, but also what larger conversation that thesis is responding to” (20).

” The point is to give your readers a quick preview of what is motivating your argument, not to drown them in details write away” (21).

“In short, they help ensure that your argument is a genuine response to others’ views rather than just a set of observations about a given subject” (28).

When concluding a point, what is the best way to reference back to earlier sections of the writing?

Revising Attitudes

Let me begin with the fact that whenever I write, I try to avoid any revisions. I understand the importance of revising and I value it, but I put so much work into my first draft, what is the point? Why would I change what I feel is my best work? In my senior year of high school I took a philosophy class. All assignments were essays with a huge research paper at the end of the term. For every assignment I put forward my best work, hence receiving relatively high grades. Yet I wanted to push further in my work. My own revisions and receiving them from family, friends, and finally my professor was key in earning the grade. Revising my final paper was just constant critique. Getting I put from others and constantly reading back to my self. Assuring my writing would flow , checking any mistakes, and re-phrasing anything to get my point across.

Revising is accepting any changes that will benefit the paper, while editing and proof reading are making the changes; re-phrasing or making any grammatical changes to the final piece. To some extent I can agree with all of Dethier’s points, but point #6 and #7 appeal to my writing process. Most of the time I put my best effort and see no point in revising; otherwise I procrastinated and ran out of time to even consider revisions.

Writer’s Notes: Rhetorical Analysis

So far with this assignment I have come to a basic understanding of the arguments within the two articles I am working with. I feel that I need to spend more time to understand the rhetoric each author is using. I have an outline of what exactly I am writing and I have come to understand what the purpose of this assignment is.

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bib

Formal Proposal for Rhetorical Analysis

For my rhetorical analysis, I would like to discuss the concept of streaming music and the varied sides it has set those in the music industry. Particularly the effect it has left on smaller, up-coming artists making their way onto the scene. As technology is on the rise, streaming is the most convenient way for any consumer to pull up their favorite music at anytime of day.  Using  Spotify or Pandora One for example; two sources that offer free streaming and radio with advertisements, but necessarily rely on paid subscriptions to make a profit. The recent founding of Beats Music has offered a similar, required subscription, service. Back in May, Spotify announced its 10 millionth paid subscriber, and the article describes Spotify’s business plan in paying 70% in its revenue to royalties (popular artists). As all artists continue to sign along with record labels in accordance with Spotify’s, Pandora, Beats, etc’s. terms, prices of subscriptions will continue to rise. Here I plan to also discuss the current place and transition of music sales; It has been called the age from physical to downloading to streaming. It is the continuous question of where record labels will stop allowing their music from falling into the hands of the distributors, based on price, or how they wish to integrate the music industry. How much are you willing to pay for your music?

If this topic is still lacking in strength, I will focus on a better specified topic.