Through Her Eyes: Muslim Misrepresentation in the Media

Will Muslim women ever be freed from the shackles of stereotypes?

As we thrive within a digital age, we often find ourselves seeking comfort in streaming shows and movies. Yet the liberating archetype for Muslim women is one thing that real Muslim women are oppressed by. Western media’s attempt at portraying a Muslim woman’s sense of freedom lacks basic knowledge. We see this false depiction through stereotypes where the character either removes her hijab, denounces her faith, or to no surprise, both.

In today’s episode of THE Podcast, Maya Darwish, a 20-year-old Muslim woman, who also happens to be an avid book reader, show binger, and cinephile walks us through Muslim misrepresentation through her eyes

Click on the red arrow on the cover to hear the episode on SoundCloud.

Cover designed by Siddrah Alhindi