Reference at Newman Library

Find It Links in Business Source Complete for WSJ Don’t Work

If you find a record for a Wall Street Journal article in Business Source Complete and try to click the “Find it” button to get to the full text, the link on the SFX menu that opens up will offer a link to the full text in ABI/INFORM Global. That link, though, will fail once you are taken into ABI/INFORM Global. The full text of the Wall Street Journal is actually there in ABI/INFORM Global and can still be found by searching within the ABI/INFORM Global interface for the article; the problem is that EBSCO and ProQuest have different ways of indexing articles from the WSJ. That difference makes the Find It service from SFX fail, as the metadata that EBSCO has doesn’t match up with what ProQuest has.

EBSCO support told me that they are aware of this problem and are working to resolve it. It’s not clear how long it may be before it is fixed.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the problem we are currently seeing:

A Wall Street Journal article record in Business Source Complete…

WSJ article in BSC

…clicking the “Find it” button opens up a SFX menu window that looks like this…

SFX menu


…clicking the “Full Text Online” link in the SFX menu window takes you into ABI/INFORM Global but fails to find the article…

ABI INFORM Global error message


…even though the article is really findable in ABI/INFORM Global if you search for it:

WSJ article in ABI