Ryan alerted me to a problem that I just reported to EBSCO. If you are in Business Source Complete and click on the “Cited References” link on the left side of an article record, you’ll be taken to a page that lists all the sources used in the article. Below each source is our “Find It” icon that links to our SFX service. For some sources on this list, though, there is both the “Find It” icon AND a link to the full text in HTML or PDF form. Here’s a screenshot of an example of that problem. The article where I took that screenshot from is:
Porter, Michael E. “Consumer Behavior, Retailer Power And Market Performance In Consumer Goods Industries.” Review Of Economics & Statistics 56.4 (1974): 419. Business Source Complete. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.
The full text links work fine and aren’t really a problem, but ideally, the “Find It” button shouldn’t also be showing if the full text is indeed available.