Reference at Newman Library

Top 5 Things to Know about OneSearch, the Bearcat Search Replacement

  1. Search for books and all other items from the catalog at the same time as articles.
  2. Start with simple searches and then use facets to refine your search, instead of starting with complex constructed searches
  3. Boolean operators must be typed in ALL CAPS.
  4. Two different authentication systems are used:
    1. Library ID number: if you sign in with it, OneSearch will show up to ~15% more search results than if you’re not signed in
    2. Baruch username and password: for off-campus access to articles, ebooks, etc.
  5. If you don’t sign in with your library ID number, you won’t see article records from any ProQuest database or from Web of Science

Other recent blog posts about OneSearch

2 thoughts on “Top 5 Things to Know about OneSearch, the Bearcat Search Replacement”

  1. Hello,

    I have a Baruch username and am aware of my password. I’m also aware of my library id, as it is written on my School ID. Unfortunately none of this info that I know is helping me log onto OneSearch. I’m requesting access from off-campus and get request for “bar Code” and “Password”

    Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated especially as I’m finalizing 3 papers due this week. Thanks.

  2. Hi, I’m leaving a comment here but will also contact you by email directly to make sure you get this message. It sounds like you’ll need to activate your library account before you can log in to OneSearch. The only way to activate your library account is to stop by the circulation desk in the library. Once you do that, the login in OneSearch should work for you (that login will be your library ID number in both boxes: the “barcode” and the “password.”)

    In the meanwhile, if you don’t have time to stop by the circulation desk, please consider using one of our other databases, which may actually be more useful for targetted research projects. You see a list of databases as broken down by subjects they cover on this page of the library website:

    And if you need further help, please consider using one of our many “ask a librarian’ options listed on the top left corner of the library home page.

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