Reference at Newman Library

New Database: Safari

We now subscribe to Safari, a collection of over 40,000 ebooks in information technology. This database includes all titles published by O’Reilly Media as well as titles from a number of other publishers. The collection also includes videos and a small number of case studies.

To use Safari, you’ll need to use the link on the A-Z database list (there is also a link on the ebooks databases page). Logging in to Safari from on or off campus requires a Baruch or CUNY SPS email address. Once the user provides that email, they are in. If a user wants to be able to use the iOS or Android app and read ebooks offline, they will need to set up an account with Safari using their Baruch or CUNY SPS email address and a password of their own choosing.

The vendor hopes to have their content indexed in the coming months by Ex Libris so records for each ebook can be found in the Primo discovery service (OneSearch here at CUNY).