Reference at Newman Library

Downloadable books from ebrary

ebrary now allows their books to be downloaded to reader devices. This is just a short introduction to the download function. More instructions will be forthcoming but since we are already seeing some questions, here is some information.

You will notice a DOWNLOAD button next to the ebrary Reader button if the book is open or under the title if searching for a title from within ebrary.

The download options are as follows:

– by chapter and/or up to 60 pages: this will download a PDF copy of the text; if you need more than 60 pages, you need to logoff and back on. This is a PDF so the quality in the reader tends to not be the best. The PDF can then be moved to a device. The PDF is yours forever.

– by the whole book. This will download to Adobe Digital Edition. Users must have their own log-in to Adobe Digital Edition as well. On their devices they must also have Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire on the iPad/iPhone/iPod platforms. This will check the book out for 14 days. With ebrary since we have unlimited simultaneous users, multiple users can have the book checked out at any one time. I do not think we have Adobe Digital Editions on our public computers at this time.

If you have specific questions, please email me so I can address them.




Trial to Business Expert Press Digital Library

We have a trial to Business Expert Press Digital Library until November 15, 2011.

Business Expert Press publishes books that are filled with practical, concise books covering specific areas of business, including supply and operations management, international business, social media, finance, accounting, public relations, and marketing strategy.

They are hosted on the ebrary platform but are a separate collection. They also allow (unlike ebrary currently) downloading to PDF (which can then be uploaded to a mobile reader).  To download – with the book open, go to InfoTools then go to Global Express Options.

I would appreciate feedback on the content and its usefulness to our curriculum.


ebrary access on campus

We are currently experiencing a problem accessing ebrary from our databases page when on-campus.

ebrary titles can be accessed via the catalog however, and once in there, you can search ebrary. As a reminder, if you add “ebrary” to whatever keyword you are searching in the ALL FIELDS search, you will retrieve ebrary titles only.

I hope this will be resolved shortly but please let me know if you have any questions.



June ebrary deletes

As you may already know, every month ebrary sends new titles to the database and deletes some.

The June update is unusual in that 436 titles, a much larger number than usual, is being deleted, the majority of which is from Oxford University Press. Most are older titles. It is impossible for me to know if any of these titles were currently being used so I wanted to alert everyone about this event. The records have already been removed from the catalog. I have a list of them if interested.

We have also received a larger than usual number of new titles, 16,000 of them, that should be loaded by tomorrow.

Roman Numerals in Page Navigator Feature of Ebrary

I recently noticed that an ebook that is required reading for a class this summer, the Gower Handbook of Internal Communication, shows something very odd in the page navigator part of the ebrary interface (see my annotated screenshot): instead of Arabic numerals you see Roman ones. This is not normally the case, as can be seen in this screenshot I took of a page in another book we have in ebrary, The Accidental Billionaires.

This problem has been reported to Mike Waldman. Support at ebrary has been notified. If you notice this problem occurring in any other title in ebrary, make a mention of here in the comments for this post.

Baruch records for ebrary

As you know, ebrary became a CUNY-wide resource earlier this year and records were loaded for all schools (these records’ holdings says CUNY). But because we already subscribed to ebrary, we already had our own records in.

The Central Office will begin removing our records in batches starting next week. We are not losing any records – you will find all the titles under the holdings indicating CUNY.

The only ebrary titles that will keep saying Baruch are those 100 or so titles that we have purchased on our own, separately from the subscription.

Because there are over 40,000 records to be removed, this will take time, so you will find some titles that have a duplicate record in the catalog and some that have not.

I will let you know when this process if finished.

Ebooks MARC Records – possible duplicates

As we purchased some ebooks collection by packages, not by individual titles, it is possible that you may find duplicate records in CUNY+ from different vendors (books 24×7, ebrary, credo, Gale Virtual reference, etc.). Our initial thought was to suppress duplicate records to one record. However, as these collections are constantly updated, titles may be deleted in the near future. We decide to keep multiple records for now.

So, if in case you find duplicate records in CUNY+, it is not a mistake. Please let me know if it occurs to you.