Reference at Newman Library

MRI+ Mediamark Reporter Is Now Called GfK MRI University Reporter

If you go to MRI+ Mediamark Reporter, you’ll see that it has a new interface and new branding as GfK MRI University Report. Following feedback from some of our colleagues, Mike and I have decided to update the database links as follows:

  • The link labeled “MRI+ Mediamark Reporter” has been relabeled to “GfK MRI University Reporter (formerly MRI+ Mediamark Reporter)”. This link is now found on the G-H tab of the databases page. At the end of the year, this link will be shortened to just “GfK MRI University Reporter.”
  • A new link labeled “MRI+ Mediamark Reporter” has been added to the M-N tab of the databases page. At the end of this year, this link will be removed.

Off Campus Access to Mediamark Reporter Is Restored

We found a workaround that lets our students and faculty access Mediamark Reporter from off campus (previously reported here on this blog).

As a reminder, all first-time users of MRI+ (which is where Mediamark Reporter is located) will have to register on the site with their Baruch email address. They will be asked to create a personal password as well. Every time they go to MRI+ thereafter, the only login they will be asked for is the one they created for themselves on that first visit. Off campus users will no longer see our remote access login  page; instead, clicking on our link to the database will bypass our proxy server and take them straight to the database.

If you have any questions or encounter any problems, let me or Mike know.

Mediamark Reporter within MRI+ Not Available Off Campus

There is a portion of the MRI+ database that is not available from off campus: the Mediamark Reporter. If you try to clink the link to it, you get this error page:

We have been working with the vendor to identify the source of the problem and get it fixed. In the meanwhile, on-campus access to Mediamark Reporter is fine as is off-campus access to the other portions of MRI+.

11/5/2013 UPDATE: This problem has been fixed (details).