Reference at Newman Library

Updates to the Technology Loan Service Page

Jeff Lynch and I just finished updating the Technology Loan Service page on the library website so that it reflects current policies and inventory. Here are some notable changes:

  • Chromebooks are now featured on the page
  • Loan periods have been simplified (there used to be a lot of loan periods for the laptops)
  • We’ve put more of a spotlight on how some items have semester-long loan periods while others have shorter ones
  • New FAQ about returning items sent by mail during the period when the library was closed during the pandemic

New items/loan periods at the Laptop & Circulation desks

The 3rd floor laptop desk now loans a small number of Dell laptops for 7 days.  We also recently acquired wireless/Bluetooth mice that students can borrow until the laptop desk closes.

Also, we have new portable DVD players for loan from the circulation desk.  These loan for 7 days and connect to a computer/monitor via USB.

If students ask for these items at the reference desk, please direct them to us.  Thank you.

Bose noise-cancelling headphones – now available for loan at the Circulation Desk

Hi all,

Starting today, we will be loaning Bose noise-cancelling headphones from the circulation desk.  These will be same-day loans, due back 10 min before the desk closes.

We can offer them to students looking for headphones but I think it’s also a good idea to offer them to folks who are looking for a quiet study space but aren’t a part of a group.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks, Jeff