The Arts in New York City

One thought on “Artist Paper:Everett Shinn”

  1. The sketch A Rainy Day – Anything to get Home by Everett Shin embodies the course theme of the New York City lifestyle. The sketch shows many New Yorkers trying to get home in the pouring rain. People are depicted either walking at a brisk pace, riding in an automobile, or standing in a large, horse-drawn carriage. Both the automobile and the carriage seem to be grossly over packed. The whole scene seems to capture the chaotic New York lifestyle. People are always in a rush get from point A to B. The rain exuberates the hectic nature of the situation. The various people make it hard for the viewer to focus on any one person. One gets a feel that their head is spinning when looking at the sketch which is meant to represent the fast-moving pace of New York City life.

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