The Arts in New York City

Self Introduction

Write a paragraph or two to introduce yourself.  You can talk about where you live; films, novels or music that you like; your family, friends, and pets; your dream job; or similar topics of your own choosing.

19 thoughts on “Self Introduction”

  1. Chandani Ramkishun

    I am Chandani Ramkishun, a freshman at Baruch College. I was born and raised in Queens, New York. I went to Francis Lewis High School in Fresh Meadows, Queens. I am a mathematics majoring aspiring to minor in finance. I love math and hope to find a career where I can combine my mathematics skills with my passion for business. I live with my parents and my two older brothers who both studied accounting. My family loves to travel to different islands in the Caribbean. Since my parents are from Guyana, South America I have inherited a lot of the West Indian culture and Indian culture.
    On my spare time I like to watch television, ride my bike, listen to music, dance, go to the gym, and shop. My favorite television show is The Office, starring Steve Carell. The show incorporates the humor behind the daily lives of a boring Scranton, Pennsylvania paper company employees. I love to ride my bike during the cool summer afternoons in my neighborhood. My taste in music lies in Bollywood and traditional Indian music. I have been dancing in Bharatnatyam, a traditional south Asian art form, since I was five. I have learned to love the fine arts and appreciate the years of training that are needed to become an expert. I spend my weekend mornings at LA Fitness with my mom, where we take yoga, mat pilates, and Zumba classes together as a way to bond with my mother. One of my favorite hobbies is shopping. My style defines who I am and changed often as I grew older. I love to travel with my family and experience life out of New York City.

  2. Otabek Zainiev

    Hello everyone! My name is Otabek, but you could call me Otto. I was born in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, and immigrated to the United States when I was six years old. Uzbekistan was a major center of trade and cultural diffusion during the time of the silk road, and its development made it the culturally rich country it is today. I appreciate my country’s unique traditions and the affect they had on my upbringing; however, my memories of my time in Uzbekistan are vague, and it is Brooklyn that had the more profound impact on me. I am the youngest of three children. My older sister is someone who I sincerely look up to and admire. Throughout her life she had went to the most prestigious schools (Mark Twain for middle school and Laguardia for high school) while I went to good but average schools. Last year she was admitted to Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn College, and I must say that is a very refreshing feeling to be able to follow in her footsteps as a Macaulay student at Baruch College. My intended major at Baruch is finance, although that is not set in stone.
    My elementary, middle, and high school are all located in Brooklyn, and so for me, going to school in the city for a change is a great opportunity to study and become exposed to its art. My hobbies include swimming, reading, and biking. I am eager to begin a new journey at Baruch and I am very excited to see what the next 4 years have in store for me.

  3. Hi everyone!

    My name is Katherine Dorovitsine and I am an 18 year old Freshman starting at Baruch College. I’m the middle child out of 3, with a 23 year old sister and a 13 year old brother. Both of my parents were born in Russia and they moved to the United States about 25 years ago. My siblings and I were all born and raised here in the U.S. but have always maintained a connection to our Russian heritage. All 3 of us have a dual citizenship, both American and Russian, and utilize this to easily visit family and stay connected with the Russian culture. I was born in New York City, and lived in Queens up until the age of 7, when my family moved about an hour and a half upstate to Carmel, New York in Putnam County. There I was a student in the Mahopac Public School District, until graduation this past June. Now, as student at Baruch College, I do not know what major I would like to pursue yet, but my greatest interest lies in the Business field.

    Throughout my grade school years, I was a competitive gymnast and spent much of my free time in the gym. I began gymnastics at the age of 4 and to this day I still consider it to be one of the most important factors in shaping me as a person. In the rare free time that I have, I like to bake, watch Netflix, spend time with friends and family, and explore the outdoors. I’ve recently become very interested in the Facebook page “Tasty” and have been trying out new recipes that they have shared with their followers. My favorite TV show is Friends and it is often a source of relaxation for me when I am stressed or just need a break. Spending time with my family is extremely important to me, and I always make sure to allot time in my busy schedule to see them, even while I am away at college. We often go hiking or biking all together, and I have come to truly enjoy those moments I get to spend with my family.

    I look forward to making the most out of my college experience and getting to know everyone this semester!

  4. Hello!

    My name is Heather Trazino. I am eighteen years old and I have lived in New York City for all of those years. I am currently majoring in biology; my overall goal is to become a surgeon. I live in Manhattan with my mother, step-father, cat, and lizard. I also have an older sister, but she is currently attending SUNY Purchase College, where she is majoring in biology as well. I am very close to my family. Even as I begin this new chapter of my life, I am ensuring that my communication and interactions with my family remain intact. Having gone through some emotionally-difficult times, my family has served as a powerful support system. My mother, step-father, and sister have always offered me their wisdom and empowering words. Additionally, Eve and Godzilla, my cat and lizard, respectively, have also been comforting to me. Even though they cannot offer words, my two beloved pets have always been there to listen and show affection, even when the world has nothing but bitterness to offer. I cannot imagine my life without any of them, as they have helped to form me into the person that I am today.

    Outside of my studies, I am a person of many passions and hobbies. Since my childhood, I have enjoyed drawing. I draw many things including animals, people, objects, and scenery. I enjoy using both traditional and digital mediums. I have been using Photoshop for my digital art for almost a decade. While I cannot truly call myself a master of the program, I have learned many techniques that have allowed me to improve my art. Another form of art I enjoy is weaving chainmail armor and jewelry. Chainmail, for those who did not know, is the joining of small metal rings known as jump rings into various patterns. I have made many chainmail pieces including bracelets, necklaces, charms, earrings, gauntlets, and even ties. Chainmail may be time consuming to make, but the fruits of my labor are extravagant and excellent conversation starters. Beyond the arts, I also enjoy physical activities such as weightlifting, skiing, hiking, and swimming. I have always partaken in these activities on a regular basis and I am currently working on fitting them into my new schedule.

    Anyways, that’s just a little about me (and that’s not even the tip of the iceberg). I am very excited to meet and learn more about everyone else!

  5. Hey everyone!

    My name is Rehmat Sakrani and I’m eighteen years old. I am from Nassau County, Long Island and I’m commuting. Although it’s a pretty long commute, I came to Baruch for the same reason most of you all did. Macaulay offers great opportunities and Baruch is a great school for business. Currently, my declared major is Marketing. However, I have other interests as well. Over the summer, I participated in a summer immersion program called Women in Technology and Entrepreneurship New York (WiTNY) that was put together by CUNY and Cornell Tech. I never realized the small ratio of women in STEM majors before I took the program. Now I’m definitely considering taking a few courses in computer science so that I can at least know some more basics. My goal is to teach myself some coding when I have free time. I also am thinking of doing a double minor. Since I want to study abroad somewhere in Europe, I was thinking to take a few Spanish classes (continuing from high school), and going to Spain.

    Other interests I have include baking, eating, reading, watching tv, and scrapbooking. I love to watch Dancing with the Stars and Pretty Little Liars. I also love to decorate and at one point I did consider interior designing as a career. Throughout high school, I had a bunch of different career ideas. Fortunately, I was able to be on board for the Business Honor Society and I took College Marketing in senior year. Both gave me an idea of what I could do and helped me to decide my major. I also did Key Club in junior year and was Secretary and Vice President. Key Club definitely helped me with public speaking and getting to know people in the Kiwanis community. Getting involved in community service really helped me learn how to interact with different people. I volunteered in a local hospital for two years and learned how everyone has a story and that medicine was not a career for me. That experience helps me to realize now in NYC that again, everyone has their own story. I hope to expand my story in the next four years and I can’t wait to learn about this great city.

  6. Hello,
    My name is Will and I think that I told you guys most of the basic details about me. I was born in Manhattan, Beth Israel to be exact, raised in the Lower East Side, and currently live within spitting distance of the Brooklyn Bridge. I want to be an international business major (but nothing’s for sure yet) to help others less fortunate than I and just to travel the world and see the sights. In order to prepare me for this, I want to volunteer for Habitats for Humanity, which legally couldn’t take any volunteers under the age of 18, and this is the first year I’ll be able to work with them. So I’m looking forward to that.

    What I don’t think that I mentioned to you guys in full is the level of which I regret losing my native language and severing the most important cultural tie to my parents and grandparents. Chinese, well the dialectal Fujianese was my first language. I was born in Beth Israel but lived my first five years in China and I distinctly remember Chinese school. Well not obviously anything I actually learned there, because I forgot it all, but I remember my best friend’s head. His head was so bald. Anyway, according to my mom, I quickly picked up Mandarin and Cantonese and I was soon flown here. In those in-between years, I managed to forget all my Chinese except for a rather basic, barebones Fujianese, and even then my accent is atrocious.

    This is another reason why I want to go into international business– In all my travels I hope to land in China for a few years and really reconnect with my past self, my family, and everyone I left behind. Part one of my travels begins this Winter Break as I go to China for the first time in about six years.

  7. Hi everyone. My name is Alicia Manjila and I’m from New Hyde Park, which is a small town on Long Island just outside of Queens. My parents are both from India. I have one younger brother who is only one year younger than me and over six feet tall so I think of him as more of a twin than a little brother.
    My hobbies include reading, listening to music, and swimming. I like to read young adult fiction particularly dystopian novels. When it comes to music I usually just listen to whatever is on the radio, as a result I don’t really have a favorite genre. I don’t get to watch a lot of TV but when I do its either an NBA game (go Knicks!) or a comedy series. My favorite shows are New Girl, The Big Bang Theory, and Friends.
    As of right now I would like to pursue a major in Actuarial Science. My dream job would have to be either the CFO of a company or a young adult author. I look forward to getting to know all of you.

  8. The name is 游聪漾, but ever since I’ve moved to the United States at the age of three I’ve taken on many “Americanized” names. One that I particularly remember was “Angel”, given to me by my Kindergarten teacher. The name that has always stuck, however, is Jackson. To be quite frank, I even can’t remember how this name formed. All I know is that it stuck.
    I moved to the United States when I was three years old to Kew Gardens in Queens. I don’t remember much of the transition, but I couldn’t imagine I’d think much of it considering I was only three. Kew Gardens was a nice little Jewish town on the lower half of Queens. At the end of fourth grade, my parents decided to move out of my grandparent’s house and into a new neighborhood called Bayside. I hated it at first. I was the “new kid” in town and everyone already had their own group of friends. Eventually I started to fit in and I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I finally found people who had similar interests and made close friends.
    High school was yet another big transition. Every morning I would wake up at 6am and make my way to my bus stop at 6:48am sharp. Not a minute later. The yellow cheese bus would take me into the middle of nowhere of Bronx. My school is called The Bronx High School of Science. I genuinely feel that I grew a lot as a person because of the school. I began to explore and learn about different opportunities. I figured out that I hated science, but loved math. I began to develop an interest in business. I fell in love with the process of how a company starts up and how it can grow to be as massive as Apple yet crumble as terribly as Enron. I fell in love with the idea of being an entrepreneur. Though I can’t see myself working in a big corporate company wearing a suite to work every day, I find the bureaucracy and complicated structure of such companies extremely interesting. In the future, I hope to start something of my own. I hope to find something I am truly passionate about and put my one hundred into building a business around it.

  9. Derek Lee

    Hi everyone, my name is Derek and I’m from Bayside, Queens. I went to school at Bronx Science which is a long commute from where I live in Bayside. Luckily this year I moved into the Baruch Residence Hall so the commute won’t be nearly as bad as it was for me in high school. Living in Manhattan is an incredible new experience for me since I live in a suburban area in Queens. I am always in Manhattan but to actually have a home to return to here is so awesome.
    One major thing you probably already know about me is that I am a big basketball fan. My favorite team is the Knicks and no matter what you say, Knicks are always going to be better than the Nets. I’ve been able to meet a lot of my Knicks heroes a few years ago and that has probably been the most exciting moment of my life so far. As well at avidly watching my Knicks, I also play basketball. I was on my school’s basketball team as well as the track and field team. Specifically, I used to throw shot put (heavy metal ball) for the field team. Aside from playing sports for my school, I enjoy biking as well. I once biked from my home in Queens to my high school in the Bronx. That was the first and last time I did that.
    My intended major as of right now is accounting. In the past year I’ve been very indecisive with what I wanted to study. When applying to colleges, I actually applied to the majority as an engineer. After the whole college application process, I realized that engineering might not be for me and that I wanted to work more on the business side of things. I am also considering being a venture capitalist, after all many new start ups whether it be engineering or other businesses need funding. I figured that I still loved engineering and that this way I would have the best of both worlds in business and engineering.

  10. Hey y’all! My name is Belinda Wong and I live in Fresh Meadows, Queens. I went to Townsend Harris High School in Flushing, Queens and there I was on the varsity swim team for four years and was the captain during my senior year of high school. Aside from swimming, some of my hobbies include visiting museums and trying out new cuisines. In fact, I took French in high school for three years solely for the purpose of being able to pronounce dishes as best as I can when I’m at a French restaurant. That being said I love all things food and frequently binge watch cooking shows on Food Network whenever I can. Although I have learned a lot of cooking tips and recipes to try out, the crackle of oil on a hot skillet is horrifying enough to keep me out of the kitchen most of the time. I also love traveling and visiting new places. However, it’s indisputable that my favorite place to visit is DisneyWorld in Orlando, Florida.
    I’m looking forward to exploring the city with all of you as a class and discovering some hidden gems of NYC!

  11. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Jason Oelbaum, and I am from East Rockaway, New York. I grew up on Long Island approximately forty minutes from the City. Even though I have lived so close, I seldom visited New York City. I only ventured into the metropolis when I was seeing my grandma who lives on 57th street. Over the summer, I read Michael Lewis’ The Big Short. The book was fantastic, and it opened my eyes to the horrifying nature of the financial industry. Although frightening, I found myself ever more fascinated with financial markets. I highly recommended it to anyone with the time. I also realized from the book that my dream job would be to open my own hedge fund. I am looking forward to a great year!


    Jason Oelbaum

  12. Hi everyone!
    My name is Talia Kornreich and I am an 18 year old Baruch freshman. I live in New Rochelle, New York and will be commuting to college. I am the middle child, with an older sister attending Queens College and a younger brother attending New Rochelle High School. My parents are both native New Yorkers who graduated from CUNY colleges. Currently, I plan to major in Actuarial Science and minor in finance.

    This past summer, I was a lifeguard at a camp and had the opportunity to teach young children to swim. It was amazing to watch the campers gain confidence in the water and learn new strokes. In my spare time, I enjoy reading science fiction dystopian novels and watching TV (I just started watching Grey’s Anatomy from season 1). Also, I love baking and decorating the cakes and cupcakes I make with homemade buttercream and a wide variety of coloring and piping tips. Additionally, I enjoy swimming, playing soccer, watching football and hanging out with friends and family. I am excited to get to know all of you this semester!

  13. Hey everyone my name is Yasa and I’m from the faux-borough known as Staten Island. I went to Staten Island Tech, and I’m majoring in mathematics while also on a premed track. My goal is to become an anesthesiologist or a radiologist, but if that doesn’t work out, I’ll pursue a graduate degree in financial engineering or mathematics and pursue a career in quantitative analysis.

    I really enjoy running and going to the gym, it’s the best way to destress for me, and it makes me feel more focused in general. I love finding new music regularly. That’s always interesting to me because I love a variety of music: Arabic, French, Spanish, house, and sub-genres of house. The best feeling is finding a new artist or song that I can add to my playlist. I also enjoy cooking and eating all types of food. Living in NYC is pretty great when you love diverse cuisines. My favorite movies are horror movies and comedies, and my favorite novels are usually fiction novels or allegories. I love the Harry Potter series, it’s probably the only series that I had a true passion for reading and completing. My favorite sport is soccer. I follow European soccer regularly. I’m looking forward to a great semester!

  14. Write a paragraph or two to introduce yourself. You can talk about where you live; films, novels or music that you like; your family, friends, and pets; your dream job; or similar topics of your own choosing.
    Hey everyone, my name is Dilpreet Singh, but mostly everyone calls me Dil. I live in Richmond Hill, Queens right by Forest Park, where I do a lot of bike riding until like 2 weeks ago because my bike got robbed :(. It’s a hefty commute to Baruch College – about 1hr and 15 mins- but I’ll manage. I like to watch old movies and picked up reading as a hobby again this summer! Musically, I’m interested into Hip-hop and R&B and while I’m writing this brief paragraph I’m listening to Frank Ocean’s new album. I still don’t know what I want to major in or do with my life because I’m still interested in a lot of different and diverse fields and have trouble picking the one. I’m interested in Econ, Business, to Computer Science and Environmental Science so I’ll see what I finally pick up. Looking forward to the new semester!

  15. Hello,

    My name is Kashaf Syar but you can call me Kash. I am the second of 5 sisters and I currently live in Staten Island. Although I live in Staten Island, I love traveling to the city in my free time and exploring new parts of the city that I have become so intimately acquainted with these past 9 years. I love the energy of the city and the way everyone seems to be going to places with a purpose.
    I went to school at Staten Island Technical high school with a lot of people from Baruch so college is not as scary as it would have been if I did not know anyone going to Baruch.
    I don’t really have a specific hobby because I am a very indecisive person but, I have tried almost every hobby possible. However, I have never developed a passion for a specific hobby. Despite my indecisiveness, I am always open to trying new things and exploring new ideas because I believe it is only through experimentation and trial and error that one discovers their passion. Currently, I trying to learn how to code. I know that coding is becoming an important part of everyday life in this technology-focused society so I hope that this new past-time will not only prove to be enjoyable but also useful.
    Although, I entered Baruch as a business major I am going to change my major to undecided. I am not fully committed to the business field and as a result I want explore other majors and other paths that might catch my interest. I hope to take a multitude of interesting classes at Baruch to enrich myself and open myself to new experiences.
    Everybody has their little quirks. My little quirk is that I like creating to-do lists. I like creating little to-do lists help me accomplish my everyday goals that I set for myself such as: bake cookies today, talk to one new person today, or arrive home 30 minutes early today. They help me organize all my racing thoughts, and my frantic energy into a nice compact page and only through accomplishing the little tasks and checking off my to-do list boxes, I am able to not just accomplish my daily tasks, but stay sane.
    I think in life, its the little small accomplishments that help a person achieve a big goal and my little everyday goals will hopefully one day bring my goal of graduating Baruch college with honors and a lifetime of memories and friends into fruition.

  16. Hi, my name is Amanda and I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I have a younger sister who’s starting fifth grade this year. I went to Townsend Harris High School in Flushing, NY. I was on my school’s fencing team as well as the president of the Debate club. My favorite sports are basketball and volleyball. I also love to read, eat, explore the city and try new things. Although I don’t watch a lot of t.v. anymore, my favorite shows are Friends, The Big Bang Theory as well as Asian dramas. For music, I don’t have one specific favorite genre because I like to listen to all kinds of music. I’m planning to major in business because I find all aspects of the corporate world fascinating. In addition, this summer, I worked as a teacher’s assistant at a summer prep program and I was able to work with third grade students. It was an interesting experience that I was glad that I had the opportunity to take. I hope to travel the world one day and meet new people and see new things. I would love to visit Europe and Asia, especially the economic hubs of the world. I look forward to getting to know everyone this semester!

  17. Hello everyone!

    My name is Paul Menestrier and I am a 19 year old freshman at Macaulay Honors and Baruch College. My life story is a bit confusing so here’s the clearest timeline I can give you: I was born in Paris to my fully French father, and my fully Croatian mother – who moved to New York City as a war refugee when she was just a child. Due to my father’s job, I lived in Dublin for my first two years, followed by eight years in the suburbs of Philadelphia- where my two younger brothers were born. My father then had what I can only rationally describe as a midlife crisis and we moved to Nicaragua for five years where I attended a French school. During that time, my parents were concerned about my school’s quality so I was shipped off with my middle brother to a “renowned,” all-boys boarding school in Paris, which I found to be “renowned” for being pompous and substandard, so I left after one semester. I then moved to New York City and started my sophomore year at The High School of American Studies at Lehman College. I graduated in June 2015 and took a gap and moved to France to narrow down my career interests. I pseudo-attended medical school for a semester to get a taste for the medical field and realized I wanted nothing to do with it. I filled my remaining time until Baruch with an EMT course. That now leaves us in the present.

    This year wonderful school year I’ll be commuting from my home in Queens which means I have to pencil in three hours for my new significant other – the MTA. I’m hoping that to be productive with that time but as the peak, rush hour, human traffic has taught me, I’ll probably be pinned against the subway door until my stop. As far as my major goes, I’m mentally undecided however I have yet to verify if the registrar’s office knows of this. With my spare time away from school, I’ll be fine-tuning my two favorite skills: sleep and procrastination – which often go hand in hand. I also volunteer at my community’s volunteer ambulance service where I currently serve as a driver, and soon-to-be EMT once the DOH finds time to send a certification my way. Working at my local ambulance service is a hobby I’ve been doing for about three years ever since I was a 16 and part of the “youth squad.” While the work is exhausting and unpaid, it’s also fulfilling and I consider the crew a second family. With any remaining time that isn’t used up with clubs and school activities, I may take a part time job as an ER Tech in a hospital (so much for wanting nothing to do with the medical field), but only after taking care of the priority now, which is the second season of Narcos.

    That’s been a little bit about me and I hope to get to know much more about all of you.

  18. Hello everyone!

    My name is David Mashkevich, and I am seventeen years young. I grew up in a quiet neighborhood in South Brooklyn called Marine Park, attending a NYC public school (and now college) at every level of my education. Throughout my adolescence, my parents influenced my cultural beliefs and practices, while my friends helped me find the hobbies and interests that I have picked up through the years. I often spend time watching/playing sports (soccer, football, basketball, etc.), and listening to music (hip-hop/rap/EDM in particular). This summer, I have begun to pick up reading, a more productive hobby, and I hope it can offer an escape from the nuisances of my daily commute.

    At Baruch, I hope to major in an area of business that both engages me on a personal level, and offers an encouraging career perspective into the future. I anticipate that the classes I take in the coming years will solidify my interests, and I hope to pursue internships and study abroad through MHC.

    Lastly, I look forward to taking advantage of our campus by getting involved in clubs, meeting people, and forming friendships/memories to make the most of the next four years of college!

  19. Hi everyone.

    My name is Ariel Lavian and I am currently a Freshman at Baruch College and Macaulay Honors College. I am 18 years old and I am the third child of four boys. Both of my parents were born in Iran before moving to the United States in their teens. My two older brothers are 24 and 21 years old, and my younger brother is 14. We were all born in Queens, NY, but we currently live in Great Neck, a Jewish town located in eastern Long Island. It takes me about 1 hour and 15 minutes to arrive to Baruch from my house.

    Growing up, I went to the same school pretty much my whole life. It’s called North Shore Hebrew Academy. Almost all of my very close friends went to school with me at North Shore. One of my favorite subjects in school has always been Math. Learning math always came fairly natural to me, which definitely made it easier for me to take the accelerated courses. I think being good at math runs in the family, considering my father and brothers all love it too.

    Since my father is heavily involved in business, I decided I want to take after him. That’s one of the main reasons why I’m studying at Baruch- it has a great undergraduate business program. Also, it’s also very convenient that my father’s management office is only 5 minutes away from campus, which gives me the opportunity to work there on my free time.

    Some of my hobbies include playing tennis, going to the gym, reading novels, and hanging out with friends. I plan on trying out for Baruch’s tennis team. Hopefully I’ll make it.

    I’m looking forward to getting to know the rest of you guys and building relationships over the next four years!

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