The Arts in New York City

2 thoughts on “Duke Ellington By Jackson You”

  1. I learned many surprising things from Jackson’s post. To start, I had no idea that Duke Ellington was, in fact, not really named Duke Ellington, as “Duke” was just his nickname. Secondly, I also had no idea that Duke Ellington also had artistic talent outside of the musical realm, as he also won for best poster design from the NAACP and was accepted into the Pratt Institute. Thirdly, I learned that Duke Ellington was much more than a jazz musician; he was also instrumental in recruiting different musicians with distinctive and original styles, like the trombone “growl,” as well as putting together concerts. I think the course themes that Duke Ellington touches based on your post are specifically “Social Justice” because of Ellington’s response to the racist behaviors happening contemporarily in the South which leads to the other important theme “Morals and norms.”

  2. I have listened to many jazz performers like Duke Ellington and Miles Davis and many others, but I haven’t really gotten the chance to do deeper research on these musicians. But after reading Jackson’s report on Duke Ellington, not only have I learned a great deal about the musician himself, I have also developed a deeper appreciation for his musical pieces. The first interesting thing I learned about Duke Ellington was that his name was actually Duke, it was just a nickname that was given to him. I also learned that his talents expanded into art work and that he was gifted in drawing and painting. Initially, he would skip out on music lessons and it was until way later on that he would continue to pursue a music career.

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