The Arts in New York City

2 thoughts on “Taxi Driver (1976)”

  1. Belinda’s description of the film “Taxi Driver” was very effective in portraying the major events of the storyline. Without even having seen the movie, I feel that I truly understand what was happening and why. The reality of New York as revealed in this film, is often ignored by many residents of the city. From Travis’ experiences as a taxi driver, we see the other side of New York. It is no longer the sparkling city which helps dreams come true, but rather it is also the dirty urban environment which forces kids such as Iris, to grow up too quickly. The scenes which Belinda chose to include in her summary, were appropriate in giving us the full perspective. Seeing the first two videos in which Travis is clearly quiet, lonely, and trying to step out of his shell, makes the last video much more impactful. Without seeing the body of the film, I still understood the extreme change which Travis went through and how that impacted his decisions in the end. I feel that Belinda did a very god job with expressing the changes between “night and day” and the overall theme of the movie.

  2. I think Belinda is absolutely right about how Scorsese portrayed New York City. Like she mentioned, the film shows the dirty or ugly side of the city. However, I think Scorsese made a great point, like Belinda mentioned, that this ugly side came out during the night. It kind of reminded me of the idea that the monster comes out at night. During the day, NYC was shrouded in hardworking folks and people full of aspirations and dreams. During the night, it when the darkness of the city came out. I think the idea of Travis being a taxi driver at night was perfectly placed in the movie because not only does it expose him to the darkness, but it signifies that Travis was somewhat of a creature of the night. His loneliness brought out the darker side of him. But him being the “psychotic hero” of the film like Belinda said, is significant because it shows that Travis was able to become that little spark of light as a vigilante in the city of darkness.

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