We’ve discovered that among the students in our class, only Stephanie cooks! But we have all been learning about food, the history, and culture of various food, people who cook food

Charred Red Onion Salsa

and have beautiful food stories to be shared. We have even spent some time watching food talks, and kitchen work. I think it’s about time to try a few things. Time to eat!

Traditionally, the potluck offerings are a surprise, and you never know what you might get, AND it’s always made by the person bringing it. Well, with food allergies, non-cooks, and our class beginning at 9am, I think we have to make some alterations. You may purchase your item if you can’t cook – (better safe than sorry I guess).

I’d like to host a potluck AFTER Spring Break. It’ll be a great way for us to circle back to our class after several days away.

Have a think, and list some ideas for what you might bring…

We always need the eating supplies (napkins, cups, utensils, garbage bags). We can probably use our classroom or my department conference room (so I’ll choose a date and book the room for us). We have a microwave (much to the disappointment of some I know). If you have a hotplate that might work. As with everything I / we do, this has to be an opportunity to learn, so I’ll be asking for recipes & introduction to your selection/offering.

If you already know what you’re bringing, list it here.
