This is an example of a post. Posts feed to the the front page of the site (NYC Food Narratives). Posts can be Categorized in order to find more easily. ALWAYS CATEGORIZE YOUR POST. You can also add “tags” AKA descriptive/helpful keywords to describe the content of your post.
To create a new post:
- Sign in to Blogs@Baruch and go to this site
- Click the “+New” button in black menu bar at top if page
- Use post editor to write post ( Come up with a creative, descriptive title)
- CATEGORIZE YOUR POST using “Categories” box on right of post editor
- Input a featured image (in right sidebar).
- Either use a picture you took or find one on the internet. Use Flickr Creative Commons (search bar on left) to find an image in the public domain.
- Always make sure to provide an Image Credit that links to the source of your image.
- Create 2-3 tags or keywords for your post
- Hit Publish
Email with questions.
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