Please discuss your “favorite” of the 3 readings, and talk about why – highlight some of the specific ideas & perspectives presented in the article(s) so that we can talk about them. (Try to refer to exact references, so we can follow along, take notes, and use your references for our own work).

Once you have opened your post with your overview of your favorite reading for this week – answer the following and give examples from both the reading and your research…

How do we begin to consider women’s self-definition through her relation to ethnic cuisine (Patron, 177)? Thinking about this question, how do you see your own immigrant food narratives being one of the tools that might help to provide an answer and/or rationale?

In what ways does the immigrant culinary narrative, or any food narrative offer a perspective of food’s presentation in a family both oppressive and liberating? What kinds of social dynamics would you say are at play?

What does it mean to “look at the home as a culinary landscape of gender, race and ethnic negotiation, compromise and accommodation” (Williams-Forson, 437).

How can we use the study of food in NYC to come to various understandings and findings about race and culture? – What have you been finding in your research so far?! – Discuss your areas / research & findings and share.