Saman Khan
High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies held its 10th annual talent show on Friday, April 22. The talent show is a great opportunity for students to show off their skills and talent, but it’s not very entertaining and can get quite boring for students.
For the past years the school tends to have a few talented performers but some are not so good. Students still cheer as loudly as possible just for fun.
“I just really love the singers in our school, but some singers last year were ehh… let’s just say they were a little bit off key and that was the part that bored me to death,” Tiberius Saint Louis an 11th grader, says. Some students like him don’t find some performances very entertaining.
The students from China every year act in different plays. Last year it was “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” and most of the students thought the performance was pointlessly long and boring. “I literally couldn’t hear a word the actors were saying and the play was way too long, it took up half of the talent show time!” Janice Chen a 10th grader says.
Some other students came to the performance just for the heck of it — not because they were actually interested. “Honestly … I just came to see the talent show because I don’t want to stay in class and I really don’t care whether the performances were good or not but the magician was not entertaining at all,” Athena Tozzo an 11th grader says.
Nicole who sang “Halo” in last year’s talent show, students participating in the lion dance and Tianyan and Lishi playing the violin were the most talented performers in my opinion and as well as a few other’s opinions. “Nicole’s voice really blew me away, she really knows how to hit those high notes just like Beyonce,” Pema Yangchen, a 10th grader ,says.
The way the students memorized the 10-minute-long dance is outstanding! It requires a lot of practice daily to have a perfectly memorized performance. And the two girls playing the violin, Lishi and Tianyan perfectly played the instrument, with a smooth and soft rhythm.
Overall, the performances were well-played and some entertaining but some were not very entertaining due to the way they played their performance and the duration of some performances were too long for students to pay attention to.