Once the sun sinks behind the horizon, blankets are set down on the grass, and popcorn and chips are set down on the blankets. People sit out with their sweatshirts and sweatpants on, and wait for the sun to fully set. Going out to this lawn is never a hassle, because everyone there is in the backyard of their own home.
In Gateway Plaza, Battery Park City’s building complex, every summer there is a movie night at the North Lawn. Movie night has started in the summer of 2016. It is going to be a seasonal thing, which means Gateway plans to continue it from now on.
For the past couple of years, Gateway has been renovating facilities in the complex. The management opened an outdoor pool back in 2011, which also includes a gym.
Although management was unreachable, many doormen and residents assume that they have added these changes to make Gateway a better place to live, and also to bring all the residents closer together.
If you go on Gateway’s website, it will tell you what movie is playing which day, and the times it will start.
Gateway kicked off summer movie night on July 12, 2016, by playing The Minions. Then on July 26, 2016, played Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The most recent event was August 2, 2016, when Jurassic Park was shown. Many kids were there with their friends, and parents were there too. These parents either stop by to check on their kids, or to watch the movie as well.
Haley, a 10-year-old resident of Gateway Plaza stated, “At movie night I get to hang out with all my friends, but since there are also so many other kids there, we usually end up all sitting and playing together.”
These kids are able to make more friends because they are given a place to do it. Not only do the kids enjoy it, but the parents do too. “I love sending my kid out to Movie Night. It’s safe and fun and she can finally get out of the house! Plus, she always comes back looking really happy,” said Stephanie.
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