Call for Papers for the MLA Conference – Seattle, January 2012
1. Pirandello and Cinema: Adaptations, Reexaminations, and Representations
Papers reexamining Pirandello’s early interest and participation in film
as well as papers on film adaptations and representations of his stories, novels and dramatic works.
2. Facing/Writing/Thinking/Womanhood. Pirandello’s representation of female characters
Papers that explore Pirandello’s variegated typology of female characters of different socio-economic status
and examine how his works situate themselves in terms of gender relations.
Abstracts of 250 words
Please include a short bio and a sample bibliography as well as the abstract and your contact information.
Deadline for submissions: 20 March 2011
Chosen panelists will be listed as MLA members by April 7 at the latest.
Please send your submissions to: