Join us for the upcoming PSA panel at the Philadelphia Marriott for the session
“Pirandello at 150″
Saturday, 7 January
12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., 404, Philadelphia Marriott
Program arranged by the Pirandello Society of America
Presiding: Jana O’Keefe Bazzoni, Baruch Coll., City Univ. of New York
1. “One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand: Images of Pirandello between World War II and the Translational Turn,” Michael Roessner, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
2. “Pirandello’s Thought and the South,” Alessandra Sorrentino, EPẒ-Munich
3. “The Legacy of Il fu Mattia Pascal and Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore in Italian Literature,” Nicolino Applauso, James Madison Univ.
Respondent: Michael Subialka, Univ. of California, Davis. (formerly Univ. of Oxford, St. Hugh’s Coll.)
For abstracts, click here.