Voting Eligibility

(1)Voting eligibility requirements:

  • 18 Years of Age
  • Citizen of the United States of America
  • Meets residency requirement of his/her state


(2)Undefined in the Constitution of who is and who is not eligible to vote, voting rights has historically been a reserved power for states to determine. However unfair representation and discrimination has led to various amendments in the constitution that warrant voting rights to the following people regardless of states requirements:

  • On Account of Sex: Women (19th Amendment)
  • Race, color, or previous condition of servitude: African Americans(15th Amendment)
  • On Account of Age: 18+ (26th Amendment)
  • On Account of wealth: Poll taxes removal (Equal Rights Clause,14th Amendment)
  • Political Participation Access: Direct election of US Senators (17th Amendment

The Voting population has progressively seen alterations in who is and who is not eligible to vote, still misrepresentation is debated among minorities.


(1)”Who Can Vote and Who Can Be Elected.” Infoplease. Pearson Education, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.

The following web source gives accurate information what the requirements are to vote. Such information is relevant when addressing how racial Gerrymandering violates these eligible voters.

(2)Pascoe, Elaine (1997). The Right To Vote. United States: The Millbrook press.

Pascoe divulges into the ranges of different voting rights and their progression and establishment. With the use of Pascoe’s enumeration of voting rights, the violation of these rights can be referenced when taking into account racial gerrymandering.