Response to Descartes “Discourse on the Method”

As I hear the idea of “Cogito Ergo Sum” which means, “I am thinking, therefore I exist,” I automatically think of philosophers who come up with their own thought to make themselves feel like a real human being. Rene Descartes’ “Discourse on the Method” discussed the process in which a philosophy was created using the thoughts to grab the human life. I had to read section four a couple of times to grasp the idea Descartes was trying to get across. On page 15, when Descartes mentioned the idea “I observed that the proposition ‘I am thinking, therefore I exist’ has nothing about it to assure me that I am speaking the truth when I assert it, except that I see very clearly that in order to think it is necessary to exist” I think that this idea caught my eye. The truth is viewed as something that is given to us in the world. The world comes full of truths but is it all true? Some of them can be lies that are put into truths for us to believe. Everyone sees it clearly to the point in which lies are not visible and only the truth is able to exist in this world. When it comes to the history of what happened in the past, was it all true? Can we say that it was true? When we learn about the early 1900’s, do we actually know if the information that is given to us is accurate or not? So the thoughts that come into our minds should not be called truths, it should be called our own opinion, as we know that we do not want mislead information to be out there. Descartes goes on to mention about the different elements in which he thinks is needed to create a real human being. He says, “Where did I get my ability to think of the heavens, the earth, light, heat (and so on)?” which made me think of the elements in which a human needs in order to be living on this planet. Real human beings need all the different kinds of elements to come up with their own thought to make they feel more of a human being than anything else in the world. Everyone has his or her own way of making him or her feel like real human beings due to their own train of thought.