Descartes Discourse on the Method

I find it interesting in Descartes “Discourse on the Method” to see the philosophy and reason that Descartes holds throughout the piece. I feel he holds certain “truths” to be inaccurate in my opinion. He mentions in the beginning of his piece “power of judging well and of telling the true from the false—which is what we properly call ‘good sense’ or ‘reason’—is naturally equal in all men. He follows this by saying that people opinions differ because they take their thoughts along “different paths”. I believe that people have natures and inclinations, which leads each individual to create his own judgements. There is no one route of “good sense” that may be skewed by the different paths. I think that peoples’ beliefs’ and natures’ are the products of their surroundings in their initial stages of life. This composes their mental framework in which they begin to make good sense of things. However, it’s not naturally equal as some people are born in the environments of poor moral fiber and ethical standard. So although given a cognitive ability to do so, it is far less likely that they will contribute to the “good sense” that Descartes is referring to.  If you look around the world it is obvious and clear that so many young and old people make seemingly abnormal decisions. Not only individually but as groups and societies. So I believe that when Descartes is referencing this sort of moral standard that is innate to each person, I think there is a deeper level that needs to be analyzed and it’s not necessarily the different individual paths that one takes rather it’s a combination of many different defining roles in ones’ life.