Frankenstein Video Response

After watching the two separate Frankenstein clips, I was clear to me that they both took a very dramatic path on portraying the events of bringing the monster to life. If you were to compare the difference between Mary Shelley’s novel and the movie clips, one thing would be an obvious difference, the drama. This seems to be a very usual path that a director takes when making a movie based on the book. I believe this to be because they are tailoring to a way different audience than the original author was. In this case, Shelley wrote this novel in 1818 when there was not such thing as a movie or a movie theatre and people would read books and create their own images in their head based on what they are reading. Due to cultural changes and social preferences and perceptions, the movies must contain more action/drama to keep the interest of a viewer who is sitting at the movie for hours on end. To compare the movies as two separate works on the same media platform, the one from 1994 was a lot more intense and dramatic than the one from 1931. This also has to do with the difference in audience preferences in the way that people of a more modern time want their movies to be. If you notice in the more modern version, there is visible differences in technological and medical ideas that are used as well as when the monster became alive, Dr. Frankenstein was alone and the music was blasting and he was screaming at the top of his lungs, whereas in the older film it was more of a calmer atmosphere except for Dr. Frankenstein was screaming in excitement.