
There is a large difference of the depiction of Frankenstein’s birth in Mary Shelley’s text versus the “It’s Alive” video version. The book portrays an anxious and fearful Victor. Afraid of the result, Victor is horrified by the being he created. Additionally the book depicts Victor as a one man operations. Where he isolates himself in order to create Frankenstein. This in itself sets a way different tone then the movie, providing a sense of scariness within the scene itself. The movie portrays a way different affect with a sense of excitement to the creation. Victor is thrilled to see that he has been able to create life inside of a dead being and even states “Now I know what it is like to be God”. The video creates a thriller effect, considering the purpose of entertaining its audience, I could understand why the director would set an entirely different tone to a classic story. As well the additional characters that participate in the role of creating Frankenstein, take that fear factor away from the story. It is no longer a story of a horrifying creation that should be undone, but rather an exciting experiment that is built up and captures the audiences’ attention. Although many differences, both pieces give a vivid way of understanding a classic work.


One thought on “Frankenstein

  1. I completely agree with your response. Especially the fact that these clips were meant to entertain an audience in a way that the book doesn’t have to. An accurate depiction of the scene may make the audience feel anxious rather than mesmerized by Frankenstein’s creation. The director has to cater more so to the audiences’ entertainment as well as the story-line.

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