Created by Man : Response to the 3 origin scenes of Frankenstein

The birth of Frankenstein is probably one of the more influential moments in all of cinema and seeing the original one can see why. The lab filled with electronics, a small crowd of people shocked, and a scientist freaking out as he breaks the laws of nature and God all climaxing when the the monster first moves his hand and the doctor Screaming that he knows how God feels. this scene greatly differs from the book to the point to being the exact opposite. Victor Frankenstein never gave details of how he created the monster, in case Walton decides to not learn from his story, and was horrified of what he has done soon as the monster opened his eye. The movie scene seems to me more reflective of when Victor discovered the ability to animate the dead due to the excited details he used of when he found out but his excitement never spilled over to viewing himself like God. I believe this shows a great change in theme between the two works where Mary Shelley conveys that the further per suite of science without moral or ethical bounds will lead to horror and tragedy, the movie seems to go for an emphasis on the hubris of Victor being the cause. The movie puts more of a focus on being God because, due to the modern advances, improvements and social changes, man was much more willing to push the bounds of science without the laws of nature or god and in some cases in spite them. The Moment Victor saw the monster in the book he so clearly realize he screwed up bigger then any time ever showing that the monster was a completely unnatural creation, something that shouldn’t exist, and that because it was not created in the grand design it repulsed Victor and probably anyone that could see it. The second film scene shows a very different scene as well showing more of a focus on props. Victor Frankenstein is seen more of a handsome, strangely positive light and again shows him ecstatic when he finally brings the monster back to life. Add to that that the scene is in day and the lighting is similar to how a church might be lit and the scene seems to glorify Victor Frankenstein almost like the scene was a technological break through probably meaning that people and society will be the downfall of the monster and Victor. The differences in these scenes show how these writers and in some ways how society views science, fears, and our place in the big picture which is truly interesting to observe.

2 thoughts on “Created by Man : Response to the 3 origin scenes of Frankenstein

  1. It is interesting that you noticed how Frankenstein writers change the scenario as our society changes. If we think about it, it really makes sense. Enlightenment was focused on emotions, 1920’s more on science discovery and modern version on action and visual attractiveness.

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