Frederick Douglas/The Logic Of Language

I believe that listening to M. NourbeSe Philip read the poem “Discourse on the Logic of Language” helps a great deal when it comes to getting a further understanding of the power of the poem but also the life narrative from Fredrick Douglass. This is because she reads it with such power and heart and I really was able to channel this and understand the power given off by Fredrick Douglass. Something I found interesting after experiencing both works was how much “Discourse on the Logic of Language” and “Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass” are intertwined. One case where I believe this to be true is in the poem,  “mother tongue” and “father tongue” are used quite often as well as when it is written that it was believed white men had larger brains than both women and people of color so they were viewed as superior. The “mother tongue” in the narrative was forbidden to be taught and known by the slaves because they would be able to come together and revolt and then the “father tongue” was english because that is what the slaves were taught from their father or their slave masters at birth so they would 1. not be able to collude as easily against their owners but also so it would be easier to receive orders while at the plantations. I really appreciated listening to her read the poem because the emotion she put into reading that allowed me to see the narrative from a whole different emotional perspective.