Freud – Family Romance Response

Freud discusses how parents are “the source of all belief” to a small child and  that “the child’s most intense and most momentous wish during these early years is to be like his parents”. This is the most important thing a parent needs to keep in mind, especially when their children are at a young age. The early years of a child is when his mind and behavior is being molded and the base the child uses to mold those behaviors and actions are his parents. If a parent wants to raise their child so that they grow up to be like them in hopefully a good way with the right morals they need to understand one thing; actions speak louder than words. A child will emulate their parents not off of the words they say, but off of the things they do. For example if a father tells his son repeatedly  to be nice to his mom, but he himself will argue with her in front of his son, the words of the father become meaningless to the child. the child will think to himself, “why should i be nice to mommy if daddy isn’t?” I have learned this from my nephew, who won’t listen to what anyone says, especially his parents. But what he will do is copy their actions and repeat their words, so my brother and his wife are very careful in how they act in front of their son. We learn from this that a father can be a role model to his son not using his words, but his actions.