The way to Baruch

Yao would walk to the R train station as normal. On the way, he went to Dunkin’ Donuts to buy his morning coffee. But the line was too long so that he left the store and directly walked to the R train station. Usually he need to have a coffee on the way to school. But what a crazy line had he waited? Yao took out his earphone and turned on his music when he walked into the subway station. The R train was on time and then he transferred to N train at the 36th ST station. After that he waited about 30 minutes because the N train was delayed. He disliked waiting for the train too long because he would late for his class. More and more people walked into the station. And then the train approached to platform. Undoubtedly, the N train quite crew, but Yao still squeezed into the carriage. Yao arrived at 23rd ST station and walked out subway station. He felt the breath of spring. What a beautiful day! That was a sunny day with a blue deep sky. The birds were caroling and the flowers were blooming. There were some leisurely tourists who tried to take the best angle of the Flatiron building. On the Madison square park, people have enjoyed the sunshine and their lunch. What a lazy day! But Yao realized he had to move on quickly. With quickly moving when he crossed the park, he greeted to his friend who was seated on the chair. YingYan knew that he late for the class. Therefore, she did not ask him to stay. She wanted to ask some questions about their Accounting’s midterm. During the midday, the Newman campus still shows an atmosphere with crowded and loud. Yao ran through the crowd to the classroom. Fortunately, he reached to class on time.

One thought on “The way to Baruch

  1. I really like the juxtaposition you had between the crowdedness of the subway and the frustration of the delay, with the nice spring air and the fresh day. It seems like it was a very interesting commute for you! I hope that you don’t have to deal with many delays in the future.

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