My Commute

Malwina rushed out of work in a frenzy and was immediately hit with a blast of cold air; she was running 15 minutes behind schedule. “Will I make it to class on time?” she thought to herself as she walked onto Broadway Street to catch the 2 train. On her walk to the 72nd Street train stop, Malwina passed by Starbucks. She was extremely tempted to go in to order a tall iced coffee, but she decided against it; she didn’t want to risk being late to her English class. Instead she continued walking and finally made it to the train stop. She was digging through her purse for her Metro Card when she heard an announcement regarding the arrival of her train; “the next downtown 2 express train will arrive in one minute.” Malwina started to panic. “I can’t miss this train,” she thought to herself. Suddenly she felt the sharpness of her Metro Card underneath her fingers. She pulled it out, swiped herself in, and proceeded to run down the stairs while managing to hit everyone in her way with her purse. She made it just in time as the doors of the Subway cart began to close. Before she could catch her breath, she felt someone tap her on her right shoulder. She turned around and found herself starting at her high school friend, Ian Green. Malwina couldn’t believe her eyes. “How are you?” she managed to say as she continued to process this surprising yet pleasant encounter. “Good” replied Ian, “What about you? I haven’t seen you in almost three years. It’s crazy how fast time flies.” Malwina and Ian continued to catch up until their train pulled into the 42nd Street train station. “I have to run,” said Malwina “but it was really great bumping into you.” In a manner of just a few seconds, Malwina said goodbye to her friend and stepped foot onto the busy platform. She had twenty minutes left before her class started, would she make it?

2 thoughts on “My Commute

  1. Great use of FID in this, your stream of consciousness is really easy to follow and to understand. Overall really well written and clear!

  2. I really enjoyed your story i found it very relatable. especially when you were rushing for the train. Im sure all of us as experienced something similar. my favorite part was when you said she felt the sharpness of her Metro Card underneath her fingers. because i could almost feel the action.

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