Commute to Baruch – Josh Hirth

Josh woke up on time that morning and rolled out of bed. As he headed out the door he forgot to take his notes and seconds later ran back in to collect them. As he headed outside for the first time that day, he said to himself “its colder than I thought it would be.” According to forecast it was supposed to me a warmer day, but Josh was cold in his thin jacket. As Josh headed down the stairs to catch the 1 train that had just pulled into the station, he nearly fell over and almost knocked a few fellow commuters over. When he walked onto the train Mr. James, who had witnessed the whole ordeal nodded his head in dismay. He thought, “how could this kid be so dumb, has he never been on the train before? Everyone knows that the steps down are small and you have to walk carefully, but this scrawny young moron thought it be wise to run for it!” Josh could see the disappointment in Mr. James’s eyes, and said to himself “I am NEVER going to do that again!” As Josh transferred to the 2 train at 72nd and then transferred again to the N train at 42nd he was careful to walk slowly and calmly as to not hit anyone or fall on his way. He acknowledged that even if he were a bit late, at least he wouldn’t hurt anyone, or himself for that matter, in the process. Before he knew it he was walking through the doors of Baruch at 24th and Lex, ready for his day. “Only 10 hours till I get to go home” he said to himself in an excited voice, as he walked into his first class.

One thought on “Commute to Baruch – Josh Hirth

  1. Josh you seem to have had a very interesting commute. Sounds like your not a morning guy, much like myself. Regardless, I liked your use the stream of consciousness to bring out the thoughts, and feelings that passed through your mind.

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