Going to school-Dave

Tuesday, 4 classes, the longest day. Dave walked out the door at 10:30, earbuds on his ears playing songs from his “liked list” as usual. Sunny day, 12 minutes of walking at normal speed to the station, 8 if he walks fast, 15 if he walks slow. Where’s the promised Spring anyway? Isn’t it supposed to be warmer in March? Dave twitched his coat a bit, attempted to cover up a little tighter in the chilly wind. Ahh, at least the sun is bright. Dave’s favorite thing to do when he was a child was lying on the balcony in warm sunlight, watching the cotton candy-like clouds in the blue sky changing their shapes and moving to different directions slowly, freely. It’s as if someone was drawing on a blue canvas, live, a majestic show for those who were willing to watch.But those days were gone.Dave glanced at the Seth Low park as he was walking by, some people were dancing, some were playing chess, mommies and babies were chasing each other. Kid’s laughters can cure everything, he once read, he agreed. Everything was so peaceful and pleasant to watch. What was it though? Lives! Vivacious lives! It’s so good to be young, it’s so good to be alive.

Dave walked into the Bay Parkway N train station, which had become much more crowded since the nearby stations were closed for renovation in January.  There were many people standing on the platform, Dave was glad. He knew if you see nobody was waiting on the platform, that could only mean the last train has just left. He was right. The next train did come in less than 2 minutes. Ahhh, 45 minutes of nap time, 35 if the train goes fast, 1 hour or more if the train goes crazy. “The next stop is 23rd street” is Dave’s alarm. And there he sat down and slept in.

Annnnnd the train went crazy.

Dave stepped out the train, “liked list” was still playing. 7 minutes of walking to the Vertical building, 6 if he walks fast, twel…. and he saw Ding. “So you are on the same train! Hahaha!”Ding said. “Yeah! Listen, I have to go to the class quick, I am already late. I will catch you later okay?”Dave couldn’t wait to get away. “No, man. Stay with me, be calm. I will buy you coffee.”Ding said. And Dave just ran off. ” I will call you later!” He yelled.