Ride to Baruch

She couldn’t sleep all night, because bed dreams were hunting her. She was turning and twisting around, when the first sun rays lighly touched her face. She felt warm and she didn’t wanted to get up from her cozy bad. her alarm clock went off, and she got up and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. in the midtime she went to to take a shower to wake herself up. she put her music on and it was her favorite piece of classical music “Suite Bermasque” by Clode Debussy. she was six years old again, watching her mother play piano and smile at her. She was long gone by she felt her spirit, as the wind flow was coming through the window and played with her curtians that went up and down. Her old photo felt on the floor. She got out of the shower and had to get ready fast not able to finish gher coffee, she ren out of the door. Sun rays that woke her up didn’t feel that warn as in her house, it was quiet chiily for this time of the year. Air smell fresh and light, and she could feel that spring is in the air. wind was strong and it played with her curly her. she had three blocks to get to the  Woodhaven train station that will take her to the college. stream of people coming down the stairs to get to the train platform. she felt like being a part of the flowing river with people moving in one direction. The train came and she stepped towards the middle of the train. Rush hour in New York City was the worst thought. Half sleepy, half tired faces were commuitn to their jobs, and she was going to her first class. She felt happy she is doesnt have to commute like this every day. in half an hour she was in 51 astret and lexington avenue station, and as the train door opened people  rushed to the escalators. while they were standing in the lanes waiting to get on the escalators, few people went on the stairways. she went wiht them and thought that would be a good exercise for her. she had to transfer to the 6 train to get to the 28 street. when she got to the platform, the train sation was so crowded that she barely could get to the train doors. Train came in station and the people started coming in. it was full, so she decides to wait for another. The train came in, and she was on the way to the school. she get off on 28 street and went down the park avenue to the 25th street, where she turned left. Cars on the streets were honking , people in nice suits rushing to their offices. Man in a shiny blue suit was coming towrds her. They looked each other and she felt intimitaded. He looked so perfect at 9p.m. how long does him takes to get like that she thought. She was happy she didn’t have to do that. she was already in front of the school.

Marija Krasojevic