Assignment #3

Research Prospectus

Source 1

Talking about depression can be hard for Asian Americans, but services can help

What is the title of your source?
Talking about depression can be hard for Asian Americans, but services can help
Copy and Paste the Abstract of your source. If no abstract is available, summarize in your own words what the source is about.
“Experts said isolation, social pressure, and war trauma can contribute to depression (in Asian Americans).”
In your own words, what is the author’s thesis (position)?
Mental health for AAPI are not as widely available as it should be for a population of its size.
In your own words, what are the subclaims made by the author? In other words, how does the author substantiate or defend their position?
The author claims that isolation due to culture and language barriers, social pressure from parents to succeed academically, and generational trauma from war contribute to the high depression among Asians and AAPI.
Key quotes: list and cite (page ref.) at least three quotes from the source that you think may be useful for your essay.
”The suicide rate among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in 2016 was approximately half of the general population, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data.”

“Suicide ranks as the ninth leading cause of death among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and the 10th leading cause of all deaths in the U.S.”

“But for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders between the ages of 15 and 19, suicide was the leading cause of death in 2016, according to CDC data, accounting for 31.8 percent of all deaths.“
What key sources does the author rely upon? List at least three. (Useful for further research)
Glor Parong, Connie Chung Joe (KFAM), Lan Nguyen-Chawkins (APCTC)

Source 2

What is the title of your source?
Burnout, Rest, and the Asian-American Experience
Copy and Paste the Abstract of your source. If no abstract is available, summarize in your own words what the source is about.
This article talks about how pressures as an Asian American can affect mental health and cause burnout.
In your own words, what is the author’s thesis (position)?
The author wants to encourage college students to find a balance between school, work, and social life instead of pursuing perfection for every part.
In your own words, what are the subclaims made by the author? In other words, how does the author substantiate or defend their position?
The author claims that quarantine affected her mental health badly because of how she was raised. As a Chinese American, she talks about how she was only taught to push herself past her limits, never to rest or find a balance between work and health. In addition, she talks about how being American means always earning, always doing, and reaching for higher, without looking at the importance of mental health and rest. Finally, she also talks about her parents being overachievers and pushing that onto their child.
Key quotes: list and cite (page ref.) at least three quotes from the source that you think may be useful for your essay.
”Pushing myself past my known limits was all I ever knew. Growing up as a Chinese-American, I was taught that my performance and results depended on my work ethic. Lack of achievement was only due to laziness and unwillingness to work hard, and the responsibility was mine to keep striving to be better. ”

“Ever try to complain about your life when your mom literally survived the Cultural Revolution and used to dig through trash to avoid starvation? “
What key sources does the author rely upon? List at least three. (Useful for further research)
She mainly uses her personal account of her experiences.

Source 3


What is the title of your source?
Copy and Paste the Abstract of your source. If no abstract is available, summarize in your own words what the source is about.
The article talks about the issues in Asian American mental health, including the many factors that can cause this to happen.
In your own words, what is the author’s thesis (position)?
Asian Americans need to fight the stigma against Asians and mental health in order to give youth a stronger sense of belonging.
In your own words, what are the subclaims made by the author? In other words, how does the author substantiate or defend their position?
the author claims that Asian Americans often have ACEs, (adverse childhood experiences) that can cause inter generational trauma and PTSD. In addition, they claim that the model minority myth can often cause teachers to overlook the mental issues some Asian students may be facing. Finally, racism against Asians can also cause Asian youths to have lowered mental health.
Key quotes: list and cite (page ref.) at least three quotes from the source that you think may be useful for your essay.
“According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health, Asian Americans as a collective are three times less likely than others to use mental health services
“research shows that Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) youth are more than twice as likely to have unmet mental health needs compared to white children. “

“While the impact of ACEs among Asians Americans as an entity is uncertain, research has shown that intergenerational trauma has adversely affected the mental health of certain communities, especially the descendants of Southeast Asian refugees. “
What key sources does the author rely upon? List at least three. (Useful for further research)
the author relies on the US Department of Health, national library of medicine, PACEsConnection.

Source 4

Addressing Asian American/Pacific Islander College Students’ Mental Health Needs

What is the title of your source?
Addressing Asian American/Pacific Islander College Students’ Mental Health Needs
Copy and Paste the Abstract of your source. If no abstract is available, summarize in your own words what the source is about.
this article is about the neglect of Asian American and Pacific Islander mental health in colleges and what must be done to mitigate the negative effects.
In your own words, what is the author’s thesis (position)?
the author believes that colleges are not doing enough to support AAPI mental health.
In your own words, what are the subclaims made by the author? In other words, how does the author substantiate or defend their position?
The author claims that colleges must increase their support towards minority races, college needs to evaluate AAPI students to find out what they may need in terms of support, and colleges need to create a space for aapi students to feel safe and supported.
Key quotes: list and cite (page ref.) at least three quotes from the source that you think may be useful for your essay.
“Specifically, between 2000 and 2019 the U.S. Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) population grew by 81%, with AAPIs projected to be the largest immigrant group in the U.S. by 2055. “

“Currently, 1.1 million college studentsidentify as AAPI, and 77% of the 1.1 million international students in the U.S. hail from countries in Asia, the majority coming from China, India, or Korea. “

”Because of culturally-specific stigma and other structural barriers, many AAPIs avoid going to counseling and psychological services units on campus in spite of worsening symptoms. As a result, AAPI students who do access counseling services often arrive with more severe and long-standing symptoms, with a worse prognosis and greater need for hospitalization and long-term treatment.”
What key sources does the author rely upon? List at least three. (Useful for further research), pew research, national library of medicine.

Source 5

Minority college students might not get mental health help despite needs, study finds

What is the title of your source?
Minority college students might not get mental health help despite needs, study finds
Copy and Paste the Abstract of your source. If no abstract is available, summarize in your own words what the source is about.
This article talks about a recent survey done that revealed the disparity between Asian Americans and other races in terms of mental health.
In your own words, what is the author’s thesis (position)?
this article details the results of a survey done on Asian American students that show the state of their mental health.
In your own words, what are the subclaims made by the author? In other words, how does the author substantiate or defend their position?
the author claims that minority students are more likely to commit suicide. In addition, they are less likely to be diagnosed for their mental illness. Finally, minority groups seem to be more likely to be both particularly vulnerable and less likely to get help.
Key quotes: list and cite (page ref.) at least three quotes from the source that you think may be useful for your essay.
”all minority students had either statistically equal or higher rates of suicide attempts compared to white students”

“To me, it suggests that there may be a mismatch between the attention minority students get from health care services and what they may actually be struggling with,” Dr. Justin Chen, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School and an author of the study, told NBC News.

“The analysis found that 10.4 percent of Asian American and Pacific Islander students had thought about suicide compared to 9.5 percent of white students. Yet while 28.2 percent of white students said they had received a psychiatric diagnosis, only 13.8 percent of Asian American and Pacific Islander students said they had.”
What key sources does the author rely upon? List at least three. (Useful for further research)
Justin chen, psychiatric services survey.

Research Question

What is your research subject?
Asian American mental health
List the resources you have so far (at least 5):
In your own words, how would you characterize the present controversy of your research area? Another way to look at it: why is this research area important?
COVID 19 has caused schools to go remote, Asians to be discriminated against, and people to become isolated. Because of the present events that have put America’s mental health at an all time low, it is important to bring focus to mental health especially for youth and for Asians.
What are the possible outcomes/resolutions? Are outcomes binary (yes/no e.g. should we ban the death penalty) or relative (e.g. how much should the annual state budget be allocated towards education)?
More awareness could create more organizations and social movements towards Asian mental health, effectively lowering the discrimination they face and helping sufferers of generational trauma and stigma begin to ask for help. Therefore, the outcome is relative because it is the amount of awareness and attention that could help Asian Americans get the resources they need.
(If any) What are the conditions, qualifications, externalities, contingencies that may affect outcome (i.e. is there a legislative bill down the pipeline?)
the stigma against mental health in Asian communities is extremely deep rooted into their culture, especially in America. Due to the amount of hard work many first generation immigrants had to put in in order to gain a place in America, many parents downplay or discourage children from paying attention to smaller issues, be it social life or mental health. It will be difficult to spread awareness to those communities.
What is your preferred outcome? (Your position)
I hope that as awareness is spread, it will become easier to talk about mental health issues as an Asian and not be viewed as weak or too Americanized. I also hope that the model minority stereotype will be dissolved and for Asian communities to be less closed off to other races.
as an Asian, I have also struggled with mental health and hope that other people can get the help that I needed as a high school student. The world would be a better place if people were more compassionate towards all races and mental health resources were more widespread.
Who is your intended audience?
My intended audience is Asian Americans like myself, students and teachers.
What is your research question? (Try to state this as simply as possible)
How does being Asian American and the stigma surrounding it affect performance in school?
Notes/Things to look into which may improve the overall clarity, focus, complexity of your question