Welfare Cartoons

Here are several cartoonists’ depictions on the state of welfare programs, social security, etc…The illustrations provide a different perspective of welfare. Feel free to express your thought on how you interpret the illustrations.

Cartoon 1

Cartoon 2(Note: The small boat says “social programs”.)

Cartoon 3 (Note: As of 2007, there was a flood of baby boomers who took advantage of their social security benefits. Editorial cartoons depicted the rush that the elderly took on the system. The old man represents AARP.)

Cartoon 4 (Note: President Ronald Reagan, along with representative Republicans from Florida (Mica and Dantzier) and Wyoming (Cubin), along with a mother on welfare and her rights being dumped as useless).

Roshni Ally

About rally1

Hi, My name is Roshni Ally. I am currently a senior at Baruch College with a major in Finance and Investments and a minor in History. I am an avid traveler and reader and I also work part time for a Finance company, Goldentree Assest Management.
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321 Responses to Welfare Cartoons

  1. sabrams688 says:

    I like that last cartoon.. its sad but true

  2. valerie says:

    the first cartoon actually made me laugh out loud. Thats exactly what the right would say.

  3. Us says:

    i had to luagh at the first one!!!

    SEX EDUCATION is needed!

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