Tiktok blog post

Unexpectedly, Tiktok became the most profitable app in 2020. It just blew up out of nowhere, and it became even bigger during the beginning of quarantine. I think one of the reasons why it became so big is because it solved our problem of boredom. When quarantine began, many of us thought we would be okay, but over time we became very bored. Before we knew it, we would just go straight to Tiktok whenever we had nothing to do. Not only is it quick, but time efficient as well; instead of going on Youtube to search for a tutorial, people could just go on Tiktok and watch a 30 second to a minute tutorial to quickly find out how to make something. For funding, I believe they had investors invest in their app, and also from in-app purchases of coins from their users. Their users are mainly of Gen Z; people ranging from ages 16-24 or even older use Tiktok, which is quite a large range. According to BBC, Tiktok did not originate from its current idea, but it originated with the apps Musical.ly and Douyin; the creator of Douyin believed it would be a good idea to combine the apps together to create what is now called Tiktok. I could not find any old pitch decks of Tiktok, but I did find a slide of their recent pitch deck on Google, shown below.

A slide of their recent pitch deck. | Source: https://digiday.com/marketing/pitch-deck-what-tiktok-is-offering-european-advertisers/


  • https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53640724
  • https://www.chinabrands.com/dropshipping/article-tik-tok-business-model-16615.html
  • https://www.investopedia.com/what-is-tiktok-4588933
  • https://news.crunchbase.com/news/as-companies-battle-for-tiktok-a-look-back-at-its-funding-history/#:~:text=The%20company%20has%20raised%20at,China%2C%20SoftBank%20and%20General%20Atlantic.
  • https://digiday.com/marketing/pitch-deck-what-tiktok-is-offering-european-advertisers/
    (Note about this link: Could not access full article on Digiday website, so I was only able to get this pitch deck slide from Digiday off of Google.)


3 thoughts on “Tiktok blog post

  1. Hi Wendy,
    I can say that during the stage of quarantine period, everyone was all about TikTok, that was when I created an account. I believe the whole quarantine thing made TikTok really big because as you said it solved boredom for a whole lot of people which I agree on. It is very entertaining, people learn so many hacks, educative tips, financial solutions under 30 seconds which is really amazing.
    Nice work!

  2. i definately agree with you tha tiktok solved a lot of boredom in the world. besides just boredom, I think it solved problems that content creators had, primarily exposure. this platform definitely helped regular people entertain themselves, but also allowed businesses to grow as well as promote whatever they wanted to with almost everything being organic.

  3. Hey Wendy! I love that you pointed how succinct tutorials can be on Tiktok. With “Youtube University” you can learn to do pretty much anything you need, but with Tiktok I’ve found 15-60 second tutorials recommended to me for things I didn’t even know I would want to try!

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