Competitor Interview Questions

Competitor: Momentum

My competitor Momentum is a desktop extension for Chrome that helps their users to be more productive. When users open a new tab on Chrome, it won’t be just any new tab, but it will be replaced with their own personal dashboard, which includes a to-do list, weather, and inspiration. The purpose of this new tab is to help the user become motivated to be more productive throughout the day. This helps user become less distracted, since when people open a new tab, that is when they want to distract themselves from doing work and finding something else to do. But, by having a personalized dashboard replacing the new tab, it reminds the user to stay focused and be more productive throughout the day.

My main competitor is the Forest app, but they did not get back to my email, so these questions are directed towards Momentum:

  1. Have you ever dealt with severe customer complaints about your app? If you did, how did you handle it? Did it cause you and your team to make significant changes to your app?
    By asking this question, I hope to learn more about how they deal with customer complaints and how I can use this knowledge towards my future venture. Many unexpected customer complaints can arise over time, and by learning more about how they handled complaints can help me prepare for that when the time comes.
  2. What does your most frequent user look like? Does it actually match your target audience, or does it go out of range?
    The reason why I asked this question is because I want to know if their target audience is actually their main users. We may have a target audience in mind for our venture, but we never know if we may end up targeting a few people that are outside of our target audience instead.
  3. How were you able to effectively market your app? How did you make them feel compelled to download your app and keep them as your loyal customers?
    The reason why I ask this question is because I want to know how they were able to market their app effectively and have their users stay loyal with them. It’s easy to say how you plan on marketing for your future venture, but execution may not go as well as you planned it, so I hope to learn how they were able to market their app effectively, and being able to keep their users as their loyal customers.
  4. What was the first failure you experienced from creating this app? How did you learn from that experience?
    From this question, I hope to learn more about how they dealt with failure when they first launched their app. We may think that we will not face as many problems after testing prototype after prototype, but there will always be unexpected problems that arise even after official launch of your product. It is a frightening experience dealing with failure especially when you just launched your product, so I want to know how they dealt with failure and were able to make their app successful to this day.
  5. How do you know your most frequent users love this app? Do they personally email you compliments or leave reviews? Do they refer friends?
    The reason why I ask this question is because I want to learn more about how they get feedback from their users. I mainly see people leave reviews for apps, but I also want to know if they get personal emails from their users to show how much they enjoy their app. I also want to know if they have ways to see if their users indirectly show how much they enjoy their app, such as referring their friends to download the app as well.

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