Who Makes Policy Campaign 2016 Edition

Immigration Polling Info

According to this update published at the end of August by Rasmussen Reports, Americans are softening their stance on how to manage the illegal immigrants that are already living in the United States.

“41% of Likely U.S. Voters now think legalizing the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States is more important than gaining control of the border, up from 34% in February. Just over half (51%) still believe gaining control of the border is more important when it comes to immigration reform, but that’s down eight points from 59% six months ago.”

Would it be too optimistic to interpret these changes as an indicator of a major decrease in support for Trump? As we get closer to election day the polls are showing that more and more people disagree with one of his biggest selling points, which provides us with just the tiniest bit of hope that Trump supporters may soon see the light and defect.

Author: Michelle Anasa


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