Who Makes Policy Campaign 2016 Edition

Important Energy Initiatives across U.S.

During this election, four states have put up significant initiatives regarding energy policy to be voted on by their citizens. The results of these initiatives can help see what direction our country will be moving toward with respect to climate change.

  1. Washington State Carbon Tax – supporters believe it will reduce emissions, however this tax is revenue neutral. Revenue from it will go toward taxes, not toward clean energy which has raised some criticism.
  2. Floria Solar Power – will protect the right to lease or own solar equipment without subsidizing those who are not using solar power. Opponents believe it will prevent the sale of unused energy, while supporters believe it will provide more rights to solar users.
  3. Colorado Fracking – a bill sponsored by oil and gas industry groups to make it difficult for local communities to block fracking efforts. The amendment would do so by raising the number of signatories for petitions.
  4. Nevada Energy Choice Initiative – aimed to let consumers choose an energy provider and sell the solar electricity they generate themselves. Big companies that leave the energy grid will pay hefty fines.

It’s good to see these types of initiatives entering the public conversation. I’ll try to post a follow up on the results!

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