IITC has 7th and Final Show of the Year in Brooklyn Gallery

IITC, or Inspiration In the Cut, is an art collaborative made up of several women artists from the Bronx.  Demi Vera, Sunny Vazquez, Krystal Pinto and Aniysa Alexander come together every couple of months to produce original and eclectic art shows.

From top left going clockwise: Demi, Aniysa, Krystal, Sunny
From top left going clockwise: Demi, Aniysa, Krystal, Sunny

After a creative year, IITC artists showcased their seventh and final show for 2014 on Dec. 4 at Gallery of Image in Bushwick, Brooklyn. The show, titled “Are You Experienced?”, was a dedication to the “psychedelia of 1970’s art, culture and music,” according to Demi Vera. 

Wanting to further convey their vision, the ladies used a multitude of mediums, including paintings, photographs, visuals, audio, and lights. The show included an open mic with live performances and body paint.

The artists also create their own videos from each show for their tumblr page.

Here are some examples.



“We have sat around coffee shops for hours on end manifesting concepts and visuals,” Demi said. “What we aspire to do, is encourage our crowds to get weird with us and stay aware of underground artists .” Indeed the artists do just that, as is shown by the responsiveness they receive from their audience.

“It was such a fun show, everyone was just chilling,” Lisa Marie, 23, said. “The art was amazing.” They curated nearly 50 pieces and got 12 artists from all around the city to contribute and participate in the show.

“Watching the people pour in filled my heart with joy,” Demi wrote on their blog. “My heart bursted knowing we gave a home to this art, and watched as these artist grew and tirelessly worked for this show to happen.”

Credit: IITC's tumblr
Credit: IITC’s tumblr
Credit: IITC’s Tumblr
Credit: IITC's Tumblr
Credit: IITC’s Tumblr
Credit: IITC's Tumblr
Credit: IITC’s Tumblr


IITC’s first show was this past February and they have come a long way since then. “I’ve seen our crowds change, stay around, grow, and increasingly fall deeper in love with our movement,” Vera said. “Unlike our past shows, the gallery stayed open till 2 a.m. and the owner of the gallery praised our commitment to the arts and our ability to make this event come alive.”  It seems that along with their art, their dedication towards showcasing it is also developing. Presently, the artists are taking on Art Basel in Miami. Surely, more from them is to come in the future.