Who am I? Where am I from?
Well as you may have heard, I grew up on a farm. Just Kidding. But, I lived a few blocks from a farm most of my life; the closest movie theater was a 30 minute drive, Applebee’s was 20. I didn’t actually mind that lifestyle much though, I got really involved in everything. Yeah, I was that kid in high school. Eagle Scout, FBLA President, Mock Trial Co-Chair, Econ Challenge, etc. I was even a member of the town’s Borough Council.
Some things I’ve done that made me who I am:
- Staffed and eventually directed the Youth Leadership Training Program (teaching hundreds of kids the skills to be strong leaders).
- Travel: Greece, Italy, France, Road-trip to the Gulf of Mexico, alone to Chicago, alone to Orlando.
- Hiked 96 miles across theĀ AppalachianĀ Mountains.
- Eagle Scout, scouting in general
- Started a music production company with hometown friends (since left, but they’re doing alright)
- Moved to New York City!!!
My experiences have taught me many things. Work hard and play hard, because life is short. Keep a positive attitude, and go out of your way to help people, and good things will happen to you. In addition I have learned and reflected upon the words I have been taught to live by–Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean & Reverent.
I expect college to be an exciting adventure. I expect to learn new things I can’t imagine. I expect explore the city that I now call home. I want to break into the world of music and art that this metropolis has to offer.
The only real concerns I have is that I won’t have enough time to do everything I want to do & that the exams are going to be completely different than I expect; but I’m not actually that concerned.
Let’s just rock this city class of 2016!